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Digital Marketing Consulting Proposal Template

The digital marketing consulting proposal approaches marketing clients with a project objective of having a more substantial online presence. Digital marketing consultants should analyze the project’s parameters and goals and then pitch the potential client with a presentation of their skills and experience to obtain the project.

Types of Digital Marketing Consulting Proposals (10)

  1. Content Marketing Consulting – Proposals focused on strategy development, content calendar creation, and email marketing for potential clients with projects involving increasing or engaging a target audience.
  2. E-commerce Marketing Consulting – This proposal contains an engaging section on the digital marketing consultant’s plans to develop or increase online sales transactions for clients with e-commerce sites.
  3. Email Marketing Consulting – Digital marketing consultants with firm email marketing skills, excellent strategies, email design, and performance analysis will use this proposal to appeal to email marketing clients.
  4. General Digital Marketing Consultant – A proposal sent to clients wishing to improve their digital or online presence and displays a well-rounded set of digital marketing consultant or firm skills.
  5. Integrated Digital Marketing Consulting – The proposal is for marketing clients requiring a wide array of skills ranging from SEO  strategies to content marketing.
  6. Local SEO and Online Reputation Management Consulting – A proposal to improve a client’s online reputation and local visibility through an analytical review of their content and presence.
  7. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising Consulting – This type of proposal concentrates on clients with paid advertising campaign projects, thus requiring an extensive presentation of a digital marketing consultant’s knowledge of pay-per-click ads (i.e., Facebook Ads), ad creation, ROI, and campaign optimization skills.
  8. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Consulting – Digital marketing consultants use this proposal to highlight skills such as on-page optimization and keyword research to attract clients requiring a more substantial online presence.
  9. Social Media Marketing Consulting – A proposal used by digital marketing consultants to spotlight their command of social media platforms and content strategy and is written with clients seeking a social media presence or those wishing to improve their current status.
  10. Web Analytics and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Consulting – A proposal concentrating on the digital marketing consultant’s goal tracking, analytical, and other skills that appeal to clients with projects calling for a boost to their website performance and user experience (UX).

What Should Be Included (14 Items)

  1. Introduction
  2. Executive Summary Of Proposal
  3. Digital Marketing Client Background
  4. Digital Marketing Goals And Objectives
  5. Scope Of Project
  6. Timeline
  7. Project Timeline
  8. Digital Marketing Consultation Team Expertise
  9. Project Budget And Pricing
  10. Digital Marketing Consultant References
  11. Terms And Conditions
  12. Contact Information
  13. Signed Closing
  14. Appendices

1. Introduction

Begin the proposal with a presentation of the digital marketing consulting firm or consultant while summarizing some facts about the digital marketing project. Also, keep the tone of the introduction positive and make it clear the client will benefit from working with the digital marketing consultancy.

  • Greeting
  • Brief Summary
  • Agenda
  • Benefits
  • Call To Action

2. Executive Summary Of Proposal

Summarize the proposal with a brief preview of each section’s highlights since this should entice the client to continue. Also, discuss their industry landscape, its challenges, and the solutions the digital consulting firm can provide.

  • Background, Mission

  • Current Situation, Pain Points

  • Target Audience, Key Deliverables

  • Competitive Landscape, Strategy

  • Success metrics, Timeline, Budget

3. Digital Marketing Client Background

Describe the client’s organization, its industry, target audience, as well as its current marketing efforts. Specifically, impress the client with a clear understanding of their current industry obstacles.

  • Client Information, History, Goals

  • Target Audience, Customer Landscape

  • Current Marketing, Industry Status

  • Digital Marketing Objectives

  • Budget, Pain Points, Resources

4. Digital Marketing Goals And Objectives

Discuss the client’s current marketing goals while providing an analysis. For example, make sure the client’s marketing objectives are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

  • SMART Objective Statement

  • Primary Business And Marketing Goals

  • Key Performance Indicators, Risks

  • Prioritization, Strategy Alignment

  • Baseline Metrics, Timeframe

5. Scope Of Project

List the specific services of the digital marketing consultation utilized for the project, such as search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media management, and content marketing. In addition, discuss supporting deliverables, such as content calendars and monthly reports.

  • Target Platforms, Content Creation

  • Campaign goals, Email Marketing

  • Keyword Research, Website Optimization

  • Timeline, Budgeting Considerations

  • Deliverables, Terms, Exclusions

6. Digital Marketing Consultant Methodology

State the methodology or the approach the digital marketing consultant team will take with the project in detail. For instance, discuss the platforms that would be pursued during an advertising campaign.

  • Project Overview, Research, Analysis

  • Setting Objectives, Target Audience

  • Digital Marketing Channels, Content Strategy

  • Keyword Strategy, Marketing Plan

  • Conversion and Analytics

7. Project Timeline

Propose a definitive timeline for the project while solidifying protocols in communication and collaboration with the client. Be specific regarding when each project phase will commence, its duration and goals, and its deadline, as well as any phases that depend on its completion.

  • Project Start Date, Duration

  • Phases, Tasks, Activities

  • Deadlines, Dependencies

  • Updates, Presentations, Feedback

  • Contingency Plan, Project Completion

8. Digital Marketing Consultant Team Expertise

If the digital marketing consultant will be a team, then devote a section for their introduction and team accomplishments. In fact, dispense a record of each one’s proficiency and qualifications in an impressive manner.

  • Team Members, Responsibilities

  • Experience, Certifications

  • Past Success Stories, Client Testimonials

  • Continued Education, Technology Tools

  • Communication, Scalability

9. Project Budget And Pricing

Consider it imperative that the client knows the digital marketing consultation’s total estimated cost upfront because this will inspire trust. In fact, every project cost, as well as all additional fees (i.e., contingency funds and third-party fees), must be documented transparently.

  • Total Project Cost, Price Breakdown

  • Initial Deposit, Payment Schedule

  • Payment Methods, Advertising Budget

  • Additional Costs, Promotions, Taxes

  • Terms and Conditions, Expiration Date

10. Digital Marketing Consultant References

Showcase the digital marketing consulting firm’s previous successful accomplishments while furnishing references. Generally, this section must be developed to help build the client’s enthusiasm and faith in the consulting agency and its team.

  • Client References, Testimonials

  • Case Studies, Visual Elements

  • Portfolio, Client Logos, Awards and Recognitions

  • Before-and-After Comparisons, Partnerships

  • Relevant Certifications, Publications, Thought Leadership

11. Terms And Conditions

Detail all the legal requirements that must be met by the digital marketing consultation project (i.e., compliance with regulatory commissions), the client, and the consultancy. Specifically, list the provisions dictating how the two parties shall interact in a signed agreement.

  • Engagement Terms, Scope of Work

  • Payment, Cancellation and Termination

  • Intellectual Property, Confidentiality, Data Protection

  • Liability, Indemnity, Jurisdiction, Dispute Resolution

  • Amendments, Signatures, Client Acknowledgment

12. Contact Information

Surrender clear avenues for the client to contact the digital marketing consulting firm while also providing the client an opportunity to sign this proposal. Also, include the best time to contact the consultancy.

  • Agency/Consultant Information

  • Business Name, Address, Phone Number

  • Email Address, Office Hours, Billing

  • Client’s Business Name, Contact Person, Client’s Address

  • Communication Preferences, Emergency Contact, Signature

13. Signed Closing

The consulting agency’s formal representatives must present this proposal with their signature as well as their printed names, titles, and signature dates. Also, there must be space reserved for the client to sign and accept this proposal.

  • Client’s Full Name, Title/Position

  • Client’s Signature, Date

  • Acceptance Language, Contact Information

  • Notary Information (If Applicable)

  • Copy for Both Parties, Receipt Confirmation

14. Appendices

Insert or attach all the supplemental materials this proposal calls for, such as mock-ups, reports, and diagrams. Also, if applicable,  include a portfolio for each team member.

  • Client Case Studies, Portfolio Samples

  • Detailed Marketing Plans, Sample Reports

  • Market Research, Templates and Samples

  • Keyword Research, Advertising Budget

  • Legal Documents, References, Guides