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Valet Trash Proposal Template

A valet trash proposal is written by a contractor seeking to promote a service that picks up trash for other people. It should include the number of trash pickups per week and the rate. It is usually paid on a monthly basis by the client.

Types of Trash Valet Proposals (9)

  1. Apartment Complex – A proposal discussing the lower maintenance costs apartment complexes enjoy whenever using the valet trash service.
  2. Bulk Item Pickup – A proposal that discusses the trash valet’s expertise in removing large items (i.e., couches).
  3. Commercial Property – Proposals promoting a valet trash company’s scheduling flexibility and reliability since it targets property managers.
  4. Condominium Association – Proposals discussing the improved aesthetics the valet trash service can provide a property manager’s condominiums.
  5. Customized Proposal – A proposal focusing on the sanitation client’s exact needs, thus presenting a mixture of benefits.
  6. Luxury/High-End Trash Valet – Trash valet proposals demonstrate efficiency and response times since they target luxury building managers.
  7. Property Management – A proposal approaching property managers with multiple properties, such as office buildings or apartment complexes.
  8. Recycling And Sustainability – A proposal featuring environmentally minded services a trash valet service provides( i.e., composting, recycling).
  9. Student Housing –  Proposals featuring convenient and efficient trash removal since they approach property managers accommodating student lifestyles.

What Should Be Included (12 Items)

  1. Trash Valet Service Introduction
  2. Property Assessment
  3. Service Offering
  4. Service Process
  5. Payment Process
  6. Trash Valet Service Benefits
  7. Environmental Considerations
  8. Contract Terms
  9. Insurance Information
  10. Trash Valet References
  11. Conclusion
  12. Trash Valet Contact Information

1. Trash Valet Service Introduction

Greet the client by identifying the trash valet service as well as expressing a professional level of enthusiasm. Present the history of the trash valet, together with their contact information.

  • Polite Greeting, Trash Valet Service Introduction

  • Client Acknowledgment, Proposal Objective

  • Value Proposition, Trash Valet Service Scope

  • Commitment Statement, CTA

  • Contact Information, Thank You

2. Property Assessment

Impress the client with an accurate description of their property as well as its waste removal requirements. Also, assure the trash valet client that their needs can be fully satisfied by the trash valet service.

  • Logistical Considerations, Waste Volume

  • Analysis, Property Details, Privacy

  • Confidentiality, Presentation, Site Visits

  • Reporting, Assessment, Timeline, Inspections

  • Call To Action

3. Service Offering

Describe the trash removal service being offered in detail. In fact, be as definitive as possible regarding how and when the valet will remove the waste.

  • Scope of Service, Trash Bag Collection, Pricing/Payments

  • Trash Trasnportation, Proper Recycling/Disposal

  • Frequency, Oversized Items, Schedule, Duration

  • Collection Guidelines, Service Coverage, Benefits

  • Customization, Quality Assurance, Staff Training

4. Service Process

Continue the discussion by specifically documenting the customer’s requirements. For example, define the packaging requirements for trash pickup.

  • Service Initiation, Resident Communication

  • Trash Collection Procedure, Holiday/Events Schedule

  • Quality Assurance, Monitoring, Feedback, Resident Input

  • Reporting, Communication, Security, Property Access

  • Staff Training, Service Continuity, Service Agreement

5. Payment Policies

Inform the trash valet client of the pricing structure as well as the trash removal service package’s total price. Additionally, if possible, give alternate trash valet service packages to further appeal to the client’s preferences or budget.

  • Pricing Structure, Service Costs, Payment Schedule

  • Fee Breakdown, Invoicing, Billing, Payment Methods

  • Late Payment Policy, Contract Duration, Auto-Duration

  • Promotions, Discounts, Billing Contact, Taxes, Termination

  • Payment Security, Terms And Conditions, Confidentiality

6. Trash Valet Service Benefits

Present clients with a strong case for the efficiency, attractiveness, as well as cost savings the trash valet service provides. Bring up specific points so that the client will devote serious thought to accepting the trash valet service offer.

  • Enhanced Resident Experience, Better Property Aesthetics

  • Property Maintenance Cost Reduction

  • Safety, Community Building

  • Cleanliness, Sustainability

  • Resident Retention, Labor Time Savings

7. Environmental Considerations

If the trash valet offers eco-friendly packages, then promote them to environmentally concerned clients. For example, discuss recycling, waste disposal, and sustainability efforts the trash valet participates in.

  • Waste Reduction, Waste Disposal, Environmental Benefits

  • Continuous Improvement, Environmental Certifications

  • Local Compliance, Resident Education, Sustainability Reporting

  • Partnerships, Energy-Efficient Practices

  • Reduced Carbon Footprints, Eco-Friendly Materials

8. Contract Terms

Include a particularly comprehensive section on the trash valet agreement required to obtain service. Additionally, make the client feel comfortable in contacting the trash valet company with questions they may have.

  • Service Commencement, Scope of Trash Valet Service, Schedules

  • Pricing, Service Area, Client Responsibilities, Payment Terms

  • Service Provider Responsibilities, Insurance, Liability

  • Dispute Resolution, Privacy, Confidentiality, Performance Metrics

  • Governing Law, Notices, Amendments, Entire Agreement, Signatures

9. Insurance Information

Discuss the trash valet company’s insurance, especially their liability protection against property damage while working on a property. Also, provide proof of this insurance in the appendix and direct the client’s attention appropriately for more information.

  • Coverage, General Liability, Worker’s Compensation

  • Auto-insurance, Professional Liability, Waivers, Hold-Harmless

  • Property Damage, Accident, Certificate Of Insurance

  • Insurance Limits, Additional Insured, Liability Allocation

  • Indemnification Clause, Incident Reporting, Claims Handling

10. Trash Valet References

Display evidence of the trash valet’s credibility once a case for their service package has been made. For example, list the trash valet’s references, their information, and any additional supporting information.

  • List Of References, Variety, Relevance

  • Availability, Confidentiality, Permissions

  • Client Testimonials, Contact Information

  • Previous Project Descriptions, Anecdotes

  • Awards, Partnerships, Special Mentions

11. Conclusion

Reiterate the trash valet service benefits while closing this proposal. Welcome contact from the recipient property managers or owners whenever they wish using the contact information provided.

  • Recap of Benefits, Availability

  • Next Step, Decision Deadline

  • Contact Information, Encouragement

  • Call To Action, Incentives

  • Value Proposition, Closing Signature

12. Trash Valet Contact Information

Give the potential client as many contact options as possible so that they are more likely to pursue this proposal. For example, name more than one contact person and provide the trash valet company’s email information.

  • Company Name, Address, Phone Number

  • Email Address, Key Contact

  • Website, Hours Of Operation

  • Social Media Links, Fax Number

  • Emergency (After Hours) Contact Information