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SEO Services Proposal Template

The SEO (search engine optimization) service proposal is an established service pitch meant to impress potential SEO clients significantly. SEO service companies present their expertise, as well as their history, to clients using this document when making a bid for the client’s business.

Types of SEO Service Proposals (11)

  1. Content Marketing And SEO – The proposal featuring the service provider’s quality optimization so that a client’s search visibility improves.
  2. Custom Proposal – This proposal, also referred to as a hybrid, combines multiple elements and services to address client needs.
  3. E-Commerce SEO – This proposal’s design attracts clients intent on building their e-commerce visibility  (i.e., product page optimization).
  4. Existing Client – A proposal focusing on gaining more business from a familiar client, thus presenting new upgraded packages.
  5. Link Building – Proposals that approach clients with link-building tactics (i.e., influencer outreach) as a means to increase their search rankings.
  6. Local SEO – This proposal caters to businesses wishing to build their geographically local recognition significantly.
  7. Monthly SEO Service – A proposal offering a continued or subscription optimization service, thus presenting deliverables and pricing in detail.
  8. New Client – A proposal containing an overall description of an SEO provider’s services to attract new, unfamiliar clients.
  9. Recovery Or Penalty Removal – Proposals discussing the provider’s strategies when a client’s ranking drops significantly due to a penalty.
  10. SEO Strategy – A proposal geared to present a client-specific strategy for increasing their search engine presence.
  11. Technical SEO Audit – The proposal explicitly detailing how a client’s website will be evaluated as well as diagnosed.

What Should Be Included (17 Items)

  1. SEO Services Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary Of SEO Service Proposal
  3. Table Of Content
  4. SEO Company Introduction
  5. Scope Of SEO Project
  6. Keyword Research
  7. On-Page SEO
  8. Off-Page SEO
  9. Technical SEO
  10. Content Strategy
  11. Reporting And Analytics
  12. Timeline
  13. Pricing Structure And Cost
  14. Terms And Conditions
  15. SEO Client Testimonials
  16. Conclusion
  17. Appendices

1. SEO Services Cover Page

Use a cover page to give a good impression of the SEO service provider while keeping it simple and informative. For example, present the SEO service’s logo and slogan with their contact information.

  • SEO Company Name, Logo, Contact Material

  • Potential Client Name, Logo, Business Information

  • Proposal Title, Identifier/Number, Author

  • Submission Date, Table Of Contents

  • Executive Summary, Visual Aid

2. Executive Summary Of SEO Service Proposal

Summarize the SEO proposal’s main ideas and solutions while briefly introducing the SEO service company. Also, encourage the SEO client to continue through the proposal.

  • Current Situation, Proposed Solution

  • KPI’s, Benefits, Possible Outcomes

  • Success Stories, Proposed Timeline

  • Investment, Costs, Pricing, Table Of Content

  • Call To Action (CTA), Signature Block

3. Table Of Content

Present a clear guide of the proposal by naming each topic as well as its corresponding page number. Basically, this must give the client a clear idea of the proposal’s content.

  • Current Website Analysis, On-Page Optimization

  • Technical SEO, Content Strategy, Keyword Research

  • Reporting and Analytics, SEO Strategy, Timeline, Pricing

  • Off-Page Optimization, Link Building, Client Testimonials

  • Budget, Pricing, Terms and Conditions

4. SEO Company Introduction

Engage an in-depth introduction to the SEO service provider while explaining the purpose of this proposal. In addition, give a basic summary of the technical services being offered.

  • Greetings/Salutations, Client Needs Acknowledgment

  • Background and Context, Purpose

  • Company Introduction, Reputation, Expertise

  • CTA, Gratitude, Encouragement

  • Contact Information, SEO Service Team

5. Scope Of SEO Project

Specifically, define the work the SEO service provider will perform for the client by detailing each task. While doing so, mention the objectives of the project and how the SEO service’s efforts will meet them.

  • Objectives,Goals, SEO Services Overview

  • On-Page Optimization, Off-Page Optimization

  • Technical SEO, Content Strategy

  • Content Strategy, Keyword Research, Limitations

  • Client Responsibilities, Revisions, Modifications

6. Keyword Research

Define the techniques the service provider uses for keyword research especially mentioning any technological tools utilized. Also, list items such as the desired target keywords for a campaign.

  • SEO Objectives, Client Business Analysis

  • Competitors Analysis, Initial Keyword List

  • Long-Tail Keyword, Keyword Mapping

  • Local SEO Keywords, Client Feedback

  • Final Keyword List, Documentation

7. On-Page SEO

Explain the tools that will be implemented on the client’s page, such as internal linking. Give a definitive plan for improving the user experience as well as the site’s mobile-friendliness.

  • On-Page Audit, Analysis, Keyword Integration

  • Title Tag Optimization, Meta Description Optimization

  • Header Tags, Content Optimization, Tracking

  • Schema Markup, Mobile Optimization

  • Image Optimization, URL Structure Optimization

8. Off-Page SEO

Specifically, define all the off-page tools the SEO service provider shall engage for the client. For example, present the guest posting and social media strategy that will be employed.

  • Guest Posting, Link Disavowel, Competitive Analysis

  • Off-Page SEO, Link Building Strategy, Ethical Practices

  • Social Media Engagement, Online Reputation Management

  • Community Engagement, PR, Press Release, Outreach

  • Influencer Outreach, Content Marketing, Local SEO Citations

9. Technical SEO

Go into how technical SEO audits can develop an effective strategy, as well as potential solutions. Lay out possible client solutions, such as mobile optimization and site speed.

  • Website Audit, Analysis, Website Speed, Technical Tools

  • XML Sitemap, Robots.txt File, Structured URLs

  • Mobile Optimization, Crawlability, Indexability

  • HTTPS Security, 404 Error Pages, Site Architecture

  • Canonicalization, Schema Markup, Internal Linking

10. Content Strategy

Define the intended content improvements the SEO service developed for the client, such as higher quality blog posts and infographics. Appeal to the nature of the client’s business when doing so since this can be a key factor in their decision to move forward.

  • Audit, Analysis, Keyword Integration, Maintenance

  • Content Creation, Optimizing Existing Content

  • Calendar, Formats, Content Types, Local SEO

  • Distribution, Linkable Content, Quality Assurance

  • User Experience (UX), Promotion, Evergreen Control

11. Reporting And Analytics

Discuss how the client’s SEO performance will be measured and reported in detail. In fact, give a definitive report on the key performance indicators (KPI) that will be tracked.

  • Google Search Console Integration, Rank Tracking Software

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Google Analytics Setup

  • Client Access, Ongoing Optimization, Privacy, Data Security

  • Data Visualization, Insights, Actionable Recommendations

  • Traffic Analysis, Conversion Tracking, Reports

12. Timeline

Give a thorough review of the intended timeline for the SEO project paying especially close attention to important milestones. Also, define the time frame of each project phase with its dependencies.

  • Task Breakdown, Content Publishing Schedule

  • Review, Feedback, Website Audits

  • Project Duration, Milestone Dates

  • Content Approval, Link-building Activities

  • Ad Hoc Tasks, Flexibility, Project Completion

13. Pricing Structure And Cost

Spell out the service pricing structure, especially any recurring service fees for the client. In fact, make this presentation as transparent as possible.

  • Service Package, Scope Of Work, Taxes

  • Monthly/Recurring Costs, Additional Expenses

  • Pricing Structure, Initial Setup Costs, Legal Compliance

  • Duration, Termination, Cancellation, Refund Policy

  • Payment Terms, Late Payment Policies, Invoicing Details

14. Terms And Conditions

Formally explain every legal document defining the obligations as well as the terms and conditions placed on the client. Explicitly discuss their purpose, their content, and their importance in proceeding with this proposal.

  • Proposal Acceptance, Work Scope

  • Agreement Duration, Payment Requirements

  • Late Payment Policies, Termination, Refund Policy

  • Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure

  • Cancellation, Intellectual Property Rights

15. SEO Client Testimonials

List the references of the SEO service as well as positive anecdotes about their service. Additionally, include a discussion on previous projects through a case study presentation.

  • (Previous) Client Names, Contact

  • Quotes, Testimonials, Industry Relevance

  • Specific Achievements, Before/After Discussions

  • Long-Term Relationships, Permissions, Privacy

  • Visuals, Contact Information, Consent Signatures

16. Conclusion

Close the proposal with a particularly engaging summary of its highlights and how the SEO service can aid the client. Additionally, submit the SEO service’s contact information naming a specific person the client may correspond with.

  • Proposal Overview, Confidence, CTA

  • Next Steps, Reminder Of Benefits

  • Closing Statements

  • SEO Company Signature Block

  • Contact Information

17. Appendices

It is crucial that every document, especially service agreements and attachments mentioned above, is included. Therefore make sure this proposal contains these documents and its required supplementary information by placing them in the appendix.

  • Detailed Project Plan, Keyword Research Summary

  • Sample Reports, Content Samples, Legal Paperwork

  • Case Studies, Client References, Portfolio, Privacy Policies

  • Technical SEO Audit Reports, Backlinking Strategy

  • Content Calendar, Optimization Recommendations