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Janitorial Services Proposal Template

janitorial services proposal describes the janitorial solutions to a potential client’s needs together with the pricing. This proposal addresses a client’s concerns while delivering a solid argument to hire the janitor or cleaning company sending it.

Types of Janitorial Services Proposals (14)

  1. Carpet Cleaning – Proposals specifically promoting janitorial services like stain removal and deep cleaning.
  2. Commercial Office Cleaning – A proposal to attract clients specifically requiring office and other commercial janitorial services.
  3. Eco-Friendly Cleaning – Proposals with an especially strong emphasis on the janitorial company’s environmentally friendly products and practices.
  4. Educational Facility Cleaning – A proposal featuring janitorial services for classrooms, restrooms, and cafeterias since it targets educational facilities.
  5. Emergency Cleanup – A proposal discussing restoration and response times since it approaches clients mitigating disasters.
  6. Event Cleaning – Proposals promoting a janitorial company’s proficiency in mass cleaning event venues (i.e., stadiums) that are addressed to event managers.
  7. General Janitorial Services – A proposal generally approaching all service contracts with the janitorial company’s whole gambit of services.
  8. Health Care Cleaning – Proposals featuring the janitorial company’s healthcare compliance-oriented services to attract medical clients (i.e., hospitals).
  9. Industrial/Warehouse Cleaning – Proposals showcasing cleaning techniques for the large spaces commonly found in manufacturing plants (i.e., debris removal).
  10. Post-Construction Cleaning – The proposal sent to clients that require janitorial services after a construction project (i.e., dust removal).
  11. Recurring Maintenance – Proposals approaching clients with ongoing janitorial needs, thus focusing on service contract terms.
  12. Residential Cleaning – The proposal janitorial companies use to promote their service in cleaning residences (i.e., living rooms, bedrooms).
  13. Specialized Cleaning –  A proposal that specifically answers a client’s needs at the time (i.e., graffiti removal, biohazard cleanup).
  14. Window Cleaning – A proposal featuring the janitorial company’s exterior and interior window cleaning techniques as well as their equipment.

What Should Be Included (7 Items)

  1. Janitorial Service Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction To Janitorial Service
  4. Scope Of Janitorial Service
  5. Janitorial Costs
  6. Terms And Conditions
  7. References

1. Janitorial Service Cover Page

Start this proposal with a title page that is especially eye-catching yet professional. Use this to make a positive impression on the janitorial client while informing them of the proposal’s sender and purpose.

  • Title, Company Logo, Cover Page Design, Visual Summary

  • Client Name, Information

  • Table Of Contents, Executive Summary

  • Company Name, Company Contact

  • Optional Visual Aid, Table Of Content, Subheading

2. Executive Summary

Use the executive summary to showcase the best points of the janitorial service proposal. By the same token, mention the quality of the janitorial service offered.

  • Client Objectives, Solutions, Key Services

  • Quality Assurance, Team Qualifications

  • Cleaning Schedule, Green Cleaning (Optional)

  • Budget, Client Testimonials, References

  • References, Contact Information

3. Introduction To Janitorial Service

Formally, open the discussion with the janitorial company’s contact information as well as its mission. Furthermore, concretely apply the janitorial company’s specialties to the client’s objectives.

  • Opening Statement, Client’s Name, Organization

  • Purpose, Context, Background

  • Core Values, Mission Statement

  • Client-Centered Approach, Benefits

  • Proposal Expectations, Outline

4. Scope Of Janitorial Service

Discuss the janitorial services for this project or job by explicitly detailing the tasks, labor, and materials required for completion. For example, break down the activities of a specific task and the supplies or equipment the janitorial company will use.

  • Cleaning Services Overview, Facility, Area Requirements

  • Schedule, Detailed Tasks, Emergency Response

  • Supplies, Equipment, Quality Control

  • Green Cleaning Practices, Safety And Security Protocols

  • Communication Procedures, Compliance, Insurance

5. Janitorial Costs

Compose a complete listing of every cost or expense for the janitorial project or job in detail. That is, clearly define the janitorial project total with every factor contributing to this figure.

  • Pricing Method, Fixed Monthly Fee, Task-Based

  • Per Square Foot, Customized, Detailed Breakdown

  • Cleaning supplies/Equipment Costs, Labor Costs

  • Taxes, Fees, Payment Schedule, Billing, Renewal

  • Late Payment Policy, Price Adjustments, Opportunities

6. Terms And Conditions

Spell out all the definitions, provisions, and conditions, as well as the timeframe and pay involved in the janitorial service agreement. In fact, provide the client with as much information as possible.

  • Scope Of Agreement, Duration

  • Service Frequency, Schedule, Billing, Invoicing

  • Payment Terms, Price Adjustments, Safety, Compliance

  • Late Payment Policy, Insurance, Liability

  • Quality Assurance, Inspections, Confidentiality

7. References

Produce a list of the janitorial company’s significantly satisfied clients. Present their names together with their contact information and availability.

  • Previous Client References, Client Contact Information

  • Past Project Descriptions, Challenges, Solutions

  • Before-After Photos, Client Anecdotes

  • Client Reviews, Quotes

  • Letters Of Recommendation