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Art Proposal Template

Art proposals are versatile but formal documents developed for artists, curators, organizations as well as potential sponsors. Therefore, art proposals are utilized for various goals but must follow a basic format.

Types of Art Proposals (10)

  1. Artist Statement – A uniquely formatted proposal to define an artist’s vision, goals, techniques, vision, as well as their philosophy.
  2. Collaborative – This type of proposal focuses on defining the roles, tasks, and protocol for two or more artists who will work on a specific project.
  3. Commission – Proposals focusing on the timeline, materials, and budget of an art project since the art must follow specific client requirements.
  4. Educational – A proposal geared to an artist’s teaching abilities, thus describing the artist’s qualifications and work format.
  5. Exhibition – This proposal presents artist themes and techniques since it approaches clients such as galleries for exhibit space.
  6. Grant – A proposal seeking funds to complete an art piece and therefore offers definitive objectives and timelines.
  7. Public Art – Proposals seeking public space exhibits, thus focusing on compliance and positive effects on a neighborhood.
  8. Public Engagement – A proposal for an installation where the general or paying public participates in the creation process.
  9. Residency – The proposal used to request a specific location and period for work space together with a presentation of client benefits for this support.
  10. Site Specific – Proposal concerned with an installation’s environmental interaction, thus presenting its development, materials, and sustainability.

What Should Be Included (14 Items)

  1. Art Project Title Page
  2. Artist Introduction
  3. Artist Statement
  4. Art Exhibit Or Project Objectives
  5. Art Project Or Exhibit Description
  6. Project Or Exhibit Timeline
  7. Project Or Exhibit Budget And Costs
  8. Outreach And Promotion
  9. Audience Engagement
  10. Resume And C.V.
  11. Visuals And Media
  12. Support Materials
  13. Art Proposal Conclusion
  14. Appendices

1. Art Project Title Page

Produce a noticeable and likable cover page that can also deliver its title and author at a glance. It is equally important to cite the project name or identifier (if relevant).

  • Title, Artists Name, Logo

  • Contact Information, Design Elements

  • Date, Recipient’s Name/Organization

  • Visual Elements, Overview, Copyright Information

  • Sponsorship, Funding Acknowledgement

2. Artist Introduction

Introduce the artist or group to the potential client while discussing their skills. Also, set up a positive attitude for the remainder of the proposal.

  • Greetings, Introduction Of The Artist

  • Purpose Of the Proposal, Project Overview

  • Artist Statement, Audience And Impact

  • Audience And Impact, Project Timeline

  • Budget, Call To Action (CTA), Contact Information

3. Artist Statement

Present the artist’s background and mission as well as their approach or methodology. For example, discuss the artist’s creative process and technical skills.

  • Artistic Philosophy, Inspirations, Themes, Concepts

  • Materials, Techniques, Narrative, Process

  • Previous Work, Evolution, Audience Engagement

  • Conclusion, Length, Clarity, Personal Voice

  • CTA, Emotions, Intentions

4. Art Exhibit Or Project Objectives

Specifically, define the reason for the art project and the anticipated result. For instance, describe the message the artist wishes to make or the benefits of the final product.

  • Clear Goals, Specific Objectives, Artistic Vision

  • Educational Goals, Metrics, Evaluation

  • Coordination, Collaboration, Partnerships

  • Budget Considerations, Flexibility

  • Mission/Theme Alignement, Long-Term Impact

5. Art Project Or Exhibit Description

Guide the art client through a step-by-step description of the art project accordingly. For example, define the artist’s medium(s) and why they are ideal for the client’s vision.

  • Project Title, Concept, Medium Techniques

  • Installation, Narrative, Storytelling

  • Venue, Interactive Elements, Aesthetics

  • Timeline, Production Process, Logistics, Installation

  • Engagement, Audience Experience, Social Context

6. Project Or Exhibit Timeline

Deliver the anticipated schedule for the art project as well as specific dates for milestone events. In addition, devote some attention to setting up the plans and topics for meetings and feedback presentations.

  • Start Date, Key Milestones, Phase Durations

  • Breakdown, Interactions, Dependencies

  • Site Preparation, Installation, Testing, Contingencies

  • Quality Control, Public Engagement, Final Presentation

  • Cleanup/Wrap-Up, Project Completion Date

7. Project Or Exhibit Budget And Costs

Continue the proposal by presenting its budget and summing up the total project cost. This topic requires transparency; thus, report every cost the art client must pay, whether directly generated by the artist or not.

  • Total Project Cost, Income Sources, Expense Categories

  • Materials/Supplies, Production, Fabrication, Funding

  • Transportation, Space Rental, Installation, Display

  • Promotion, Marketing, Insurance, Event Expenses

  • Income Projections, Budget Narrative, Taxes

8. Outreach And Promotion

Spell out the artist’s efforts in gaining an audience, especially focusing on the client’s target demographics. Additionally, mention any collaborations relevant to this exhibit with promotional reach across an audience.

  • Target Audience, Promotional Goals, Content Creation

  • Marketing Strategy, Online Presence, Promtional Materials

  • Traditional Marketing, Public Relations, Media Coverage

  • Collaborations, Community Engagement, Social Media

  • Email Marketing, Crowdfunding, Fundraising, Metrics

9. Audience Engagement

Explain the level of engagement the client can expect from the audience, especially if this is an interactive exhibit. Detail specifically how the artist intends the audience to act during the exhibit.

  • Audience Identification, Goals, Interactive Elements

  • Artist Talks, Workshops, Installations, Marketing

  • Virtual Engagement, Educational Initiatives, Community

  • Accessibility, Audience Feedback, Online Engagement

  • Promotion, Evaluation, Assessment, Budget, Sustainability

10. Resume Or CV

Present the experience and professional history of the artist since this assures the client that the artist can complete this project successfully.

  • Artist Statement, Education, Exhibitions, Art-Related Skills

  • Publications, Collections, Residencies, Fellowships

  • Awards, Affiliations, Teaching Experiences

  • Lectures, Workshops, Public Art Projects, Collaborations

  • Bibliography, Exhibition Proposals, Current Projects

11. Visuals/Media

Capture the client’s attention with some visuals of previous projects as well as mock-ups of the current project. Consider this section an opportunity to impress the client with the artist’s skills.

  • Artwork Images, Image Captions, Sketches

  • Renderings, Installation Plans, Exhibition Layout

  • Artistic Process, Interactive Elements

  • Before/After Visuals, Scale, Perpective

  • Digital Presentations, Credits, Sources

12. Support Materials

Additionally, it is equally important that the client possesses all material necessary for this proposal’s completion, whether directly related or not. For example, permits may be required for a sculpture exhibit on public lands.

  • Letters of Recommendation, Catalogs, Publications

  • Press Clippings/Reviews, Artistic Statements

  • Artwork Documentation, Past Projects, Work Samples

  • Exhibit History, Residency/Fellowship Acceptance Letters

  • Curatorial Experience, Permissions And Rights

13. Art Proposal Conclusion

Gather the attractive features of the art proposal while reminding the client of the artist’s vision and skills. In addition, invite the art client to continue the correspondence with questions or to proceed to the contract.

  • Key Points, Reiteration Of Vision, Goal Alignment

  • Enthusiasm, Acknowledgment Of Support

  • Contact Information, Closing Remarks

  • Signature, Enclosures or Appendices

  • Politeness, Professionalism

14. Appendices

Combine all documents not yet included,  required by this proposal, client, and artist together with any media or links (portfolios). Present these items as a final section, especially if they are required to proceed to an agreement.

  • Images, Visuals, Supporting Documents

  • Work Samples, Exhibition History, Resumes, C.V.

  • Press, Artistic Process Documentation, Publications

  • Financial Documents, Additional References

  • Sustainability And Other Relevant Documents