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Accounting Services Proposal Template

Accounting service proposals seek to obtain clients with a well-organized presentation of an accounting agency’s services and, especially, its specialties. This requires a basic knowledge of the client’s needs; however, a proposal can be developed to approach multiple clients simultaneously.

Types of Accounting Service Proposals (10)

  1. Accounting Software Implementation – Proposals presenting an account’s proficiency in installing as well as training for new accounting software.
  2. Audit – Proposals concentrating on the accountant’s data recording and analytic skills because the client requires an investigation of their records.
  3. Consulting and Advisory – A client-specific proposal discussing the client’s problems as well as the accounting agency’s solutions.
  4. Customized Accounting – The proposal used to address accounting client needs specifically.
  5. Financial Statement Preparation Proposal – A proposal detailing an accountant’s ability to develop, present, as well as deliver financial statements.
  6. Forensic Accounting – A proposal presenting the accounting firm’s investigative skills in finding issues such as fraud and financial dangers.
  7. General Accounting Service – A proposal demonstrating a range of accounting services and applying them to client needs accordingly.
  8. Payroll Processing – Proposals featuring the accounting firm’s ability to provide payroll functions such as tax withholdings, 401’s, and compliance.
  9. Review and Compilation – This proposal is used for engagements where the accountant reviews or compiles financial statements without conducting a full audit. It outlines the scope of work, procedures, and reporting.
  10. Tax Preparation – Proposals promoting the tax services of a firm, such as tax returns, compliance, and planning.

What Should Be Included (13 Items)

  1. Accountant Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary Of Accounting Proposal
  3. Introduction To Accounting Proposal
  4. Accounting Client’s Needs
  5. Scope Of Accounting Services
  6. Deliverables
  7. Accounting Service Timeline
  8. Pricing Structure And Total
  9. Accounting Service Terms And Conditions
  10. Accounting Client’s Responsibilities
  11. References
  12. Proposal Conclusion
  13. Signature Acceptance

1. Accountant Cover Page

Create an attractive but straightforward title page, thus making it stand out and easily identifiable. For example, if the accounting agency or client has a slogan, logo, or tagline, this should be displayed.

  • Title, Accountant/Firm Name, Logo

  • Website, Contact Information

  • Preparer, Client Name, Date

  • Visual Elements, Slogan, Table Of Contents

  • Executive Summary, Client’s Logo

2. Executive Summary Of Accounting Proposal

Put forth a concise preview of the proposal’s main points as well as its purpose. However, keep the client’s needs in focus throughout this summary.

  • Introduction, Client Overview

  • Key Challenges, Opportunities, Call To Action

  • Proposed Solutions, Proposal Benefits

  • Accounting Skills, Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • Timelines, Deadlines, Investment, Cost

3. Introduction To Accounting Proposal

Say a few words summing up the accounting firm or accountant’s background and qualifications. Also, to attract attention, apply the accounting service’s proficiencies to the client’s needs.

  • Proposal Introduction, Firm Introduction,

  • Service Benefits, Scope Of Accounting Proposals

  • Client’s Needs, Objectives, Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • Key Deliverables, Timelines, Proposal Deadline

  • Call To Action, Contact Information

4. Accounting Client’s Needs

Present the accounting firm’s assessment of the client’s accounting or bookkeeping needs, simultaneously promoting the accounting firm’s solutions. It is imperative to impress the client while assuring them of the firm’s excitement to work with them.

  • Client Introduction, Current Financial Situation

  • Client’s Goals, Specific Accounting Needs, Client Values

  • Regulatory Compliance, Operational Plan Points

  • Risk Assessment, Cost-Efficiency Savings, Pain Points

  • Personalized Solutions

5. Scope Of Accounting Services

Explicitly discuss every accounting service the client can expect. Here, the specifics of functions such as tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll processing can be spelled out.

  • Service Overview, Accounting Services

  • Frequency, Timing, Reporting, Tax (Services, Preparation)

  • Audit Services, Software (Installation, Training), Tools

  • Communication, Data Security, Confidentiality

  • Client Responsibilities, Billing

6. Deliverables

Further, entice the client with the physical productions they will receive, such as financial reports and completed tax functions. Also, include a basic timeline for when the client can expect these deliverables.

  • Financial Statements, Reports, Tax Returns

  • Audit Reports, Workpapers, Documentation

  • Customized Financial Analysis, Tax Planning

  • Strategy Recommendations, Regular Updates

  • Data Security, Backup, Communication Findings

7. Accounting Service Timeline

Deliver a full schedule for the accounting project or services in addition to specific event dates. Also, include a communication policy that defines when the accounting agency is available for client feedback.

  • Project Start Date, Project Duration, Billing Schedule

  • Milestones, Reporting/Updates, Client Review

  • Scheduling, Flexibility, Contingencies

  • Communication Points, Feedback, Sign-Off

  • Change Management, Completion Date

8. Pricing Structure And Total

Compose a record of every accounting service charge for the project as well as its total. Also include the fees not generated by the accounting agency but must be paid (i.e., filing fees).

  • Service Fees, Payment Terms, Late Payment Penalties

  • Additional Costs, Expenses, Billing Methods, Receipts

  • Currency, Fee Structure Changes, Estimates, Quotes

  • Scope Changes, Client Review, Approval, Payments

  • Sign-Off And Acceptance, Alternative Pricing, Invoices

9. Accounting Service Terms And Conditions

Explain, in detail, the contracts, agreements, and legal paperwork that must be satisfied by the accounting firm and client.  It is important to realize the client must understand this paperwork to agree to their terms before execution.

  • Engagement Terms, Scope, Duration, Amendments

  • Payment Terms, Billing/Invoicing, Client’s Responsibilities

  • Confidentiality, Data Security, Ownership, Disputes

  • Change Orders, Termination Clause, Liability

  • Notices, Entire Agreement, Client Acknowledgement

10. Accounting Client’s Responsibilities

List the expectations the client must live up to in this project since they must be informed early. This requires that topics such as communication and approval are covered.

  • Provision Financial Information, Change Notification

  • Prompt Submissions, Access, Availability

  • Audit Cooperation, Compliance, Deliverables

  • Reporting/Reviewing, Records Maintenance

  • Communication, Payment, Termination Requirements

11. References

Continue proving the accounting firm’s capabilities with positive references from satisfied clients since many will appreciate a positive track record. Display these references together with their contact information.

  • Reference’s Contact Information, Availability

  • Client Testimonials, Client Case Studies

  • Industry Recognition, Sample Projects

  • Relevant Experience, Client Diversity

  • Permission, Confidentiality

12. Proposal Conclusion

Deliver a closing statement that significantly reminds the client of the accounting firm’s abilities. Additionally, encourage future contact by documenting the accounting firm’s availability and contact information.

  • Express Interest, Enthusiasm, Gratitude

  • Key Benefits, CTA, Contact Information

  • Availability, Invitation, Expiration

  • Next Steps, Additional Information

  • Closing Remarks, Signature Block

13. Signature Acceptance

Allow space for the accountant or accounting agency firm’s representative to sign this proposal. Both the firm and the client must sign this proposal, thus requiring a signature area for the client.

  • Title, Accounting Firm’s Signature

  • Date, Accounting Firm’s Printed Name

  • Acceptance Statement, Client Signature Line

  • Client’s Printed Name, Submission Instructions

  • Email Acceptance, Receipt Confirmation