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Product Sales Proposal Template

The product sales proposal formally approaches potential customers with the benefits and specifics of a specific commodity for sale. Vendors approach clients with the benefits of a product together with its cost in this paperwork to close a deal.

Types Of Product Sales Proposals (11)

  1. Channel Partner Or Distributor – Proposals convincing entities to sell a company’s products as well as promoting them.
  2. Consultive Sales – A set of proposals that work together with presentations to meet a client’s unique product needs.
  3. Cross-Selling/Upselling – Proposals sent to existing clients to promote additional or supporting products.
  4. Follow-Up – Proposals written as a specific response to a client’s questions or opposition.
  5. Formal Sales – A well-structured proposal describing product specifics, pricing, and purpose to clients while fostering a client relationship.
  6. Informal Sales Email – A simple proposal highlighting a product’s use, aesthetics, function, and price to prospective clients through email.
  7. Product Presentation – A proposal delivered live and accompanied by slides (i.e., power points) while maintaining a proposal format.
  8. Product Sample/Trial – Proposals allowing clients to try a product without payment under specifically documented conditions.
  9. Renewal Or Subscription – Proposals focusing on services or regular product deliveries through a subscription thus, focusing on agreement updates.
  10. Request For Proposal Response – This proposal is written after a client has requested a specific product(s), therefore requiring adaptability.
  11. Value-Based – A proposal explaining, in detail, precisely why a product matches a client’s needs using specific evidence (i.e., ROI’s).

What Should Be Included (14 Items)

  1. Cover Page
  2. Product Description
  3. Product Benefits
  4. Target Audience
  5. Pricing
  6. Payment Terms
  7. Warranty Or Guarantee Information
  8. Delivery And Shipping
  9. Installation And Setup
  10. Maintenance And Support
  11. Terms And Conditions
  12. Client References And Testimonials
  13. Appendices
  14. Conclusion

1. Cover Page

Display the seller’s business name and contact information as well as the potential customer’s. Also, include the product name and media that is both attractive and useful.

  • Greeting, Attention Grabber

  • Proposal Overview, Establish Credibility

  • Client’s Needs, Benefits, Value Proposition

  • Key Objectives, Agenda

  • Call To Action, Closing/Conclusion

2. Product Description

Present each product offered for sale by listing its name/product number and description, together with its technical information. Include any media to aid in the product’s presentation since potential customers are known to respond to this.

  • Product Name/Identifier, Overview, Technical Specifications

  • Unique Selling Points (USPS), Benefits, Applications

  • Images, Use Cases, Warranty, Packages

  • Availability, Lead Time, Customization Options

  • Compliance, Regulations, Testimonials Or Reviews

3. Product Benefits

Speak about the positive attributes of the product as well as how it will satisfy the client. For example, promote a software product’s functionality or a textile product’s aesthetics.

  • Quantify When Possible, Customer-Centric Language

  • Prioritize Benefits, Customization, Personalization

  • Solve Pain Points, ROI, Cost Savings, Long-Term Value

  • Competitive Advantage, Testimonials Or Success Stories

  • Highlight Key Benefits, Feature Benefit Alignment

4. Target Audience

Match the product to the customer’s needs since purchase is more likely if the customer can appreciate the product. That is, explain why the customer would be satisfied with this purchase.

  • Demographics, Industry, Sector, Company Size

  • Geographic Location, Job Title, Roles

  • Challenges, Pain Points, Goals, Objectives

  • Behavior, Buying Habits, Competitive Landscape

  • Personalization, Customization, Value Proposition

5. Pricing

Present the purchase price of every product and a specific listing of every additional expense. For example, display applicable discounts, add-on options, and delivery fees with the total purchase price.

  • Pricing Models, Base Price, Optional Add-Ons, Upgrades

  • Discounts, Promotions, Payment Terms, Billing Cycle

  • Taxes, Fees, Total Cost Calculation, Customization Costs

  • Volume Discounts, Payment Schedule, Cancellation Policy

  • Terms, Conditions, Comparison, Additional Information

6. Payment Terms

Detail the requirements customers must satisfy whenever purchasing the product or products. Explicitly state the acceptable payment methods, due dates, taxes, and any other criteria the seller requires filled.

  • Payment Amount, Payment Methods

  • Payment Schedule, Late Payment Penalties

  • Currency, Billing Contact, Invoice Details

  • Payment Confirmation, Payment Disputes

  • Retention Rights, Payment Security

7. Warranty Or Guarantee Information

If the product offers a warranty or guarantee, use this section to display the appropriate information accordingly. Document, in detail, the price of the warranty or guarantee, its coverage, exclusions, and terms.

  • Type, Warranty, Guarantee, Duration

  • Coverage Scope, Exclusions, Claims Process

  • Repair, Replacement, Refund, Costs, Fees

  • Customer Responsibilities, Transferability

  • Limitations, Liability, Legal Requirements

8. Delivery And Shipping

Discuss the shipping costs of this product for the customer. In essence, this section should display all prices, delivery options, and the estimated delivery date of each option.

  • Delivery Method, Delivery Timeframe

  • Delivery Address, Shipping Costs

  • Tracking, confirmation, Delivery Responsibility

  • Packaging, Insurance, International Shipping

  • Returns, Exchanges, Delivery Confirmation, Acceptance

9. Installation And Setup

Give all instructions needed for the setup and installation of the product in detail. Also, if the company provides this service, then discuss the options.

  • Installation Overview, Requirements, Schedule
  • Site Assessment, Installation Process, Customization
  • Technical Support, Training, Onboarding
  • Testing Quality Assurance, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Data Migration, Documentation, Post-Installation Support

10. Maintenance And Support

Provide all the information about the product’s support services or maintenance requirements. In addition, layout any long-term maintenance or care plans available after purchase and their specifics.

  • Overview, Service Levels, Renewal Process
  • Response Times, Issue Resolution
  • Software/Hardware Maintenance (If Applicable)
  • Monitoring, Proactive Maintenance, Training
  • Documentation, Service Level Agreement (SLA’s)

11. Terms And Conditions

Furnish all legal disclosures, notices, and waivers, as well as the agreements this purchase requires. For example, return policies, dispute resolutions, and licensing information must be included if relevant.

  • Scope Of Work, Timeline, Schedules
  • Pricing, Payment Terms, Delivery, Shipping
  • Warranty, Guarantee, Intellectual Property Rights

  • Acceptance, Testing, Cancellation, Refunds

  • Force Majeure, Confidentiality, Termination

12. Client References And Testimonials

Deliver positive testimonials from previous customers since this will build consumer confidence in the product. Also, include any notoriety, publicity, or awards of the product.

  • Client Testimonials, Client References

  • Case Studies, Video Testimonials

  • Images Of Previous Successful Projects
  • Relevance, Permission, Privacy Consideration

  • Testimonial Sourcing, Continued Partership

13. Appendices

Ensure all the paperwork necessary for this product and its potential purpose is included. If any images, files, instructions, agreements, or warranties have been left out above to save space, then produce them in this area.

  • Product Brocuhers, Catalogs, Client Case Studies

  • Product Manuals, User Guides, Technical Documentation

  • Pricing Details, Contracts, Agreements, Legal Disclaimers

  • References, Resources, Sample Reports, Deliverables

  • Media, Market Research, Client Research, Supporting Data

14. Conclusion

Close this proposal on an encouraging note with the customer, as well as prompt them to continue to the next step from this proposal. Present options for contact and purchase together with any promotions or customer opportunities that would incentivize the customer.

  • Clear And Specific Action, Highlight Benefits

  • Urgency, Contact Information, Acceptance Button

  • Alternative Actions, Next Steps

  • Benefits Of Acceptance, Testimonials, Success Stories

  • Signature Line, Timeframe, Contact, Signature Blocks