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Project Proposal Templates (10)

Project proposals can be submitted in response to RFPs (requests for proposal) as well as for initial client contact. This document aims to significantly impress a client enough to award a project to a company or vendor.

What Should Be Included (15 Items)

  1. Project Proposal’s Title Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Project Needs
  4. Scope Of Project Work
  5. Project Methodology
  6. Project Timeline
  7. Financial Information And Budgeting
  8. Resource Requirements
  9. Risk Assessment And Mitigation
  10. Performance Metrics
  11. Stakeholder Engagement
  12. Sustainability And Project Impact
  13. Appendices
  14. Contact Information
  15. Approval And Signatures

1. Project Proposal’s Title Page

Gather the elements needed to attract attention to the title page that also delivers basic information at a glance. For example, use a provocative font for the title and present the company logo.

  • Title, Company Logo, Contact Information

  • Proposal Title, Proposal Author Name

  • Table Of Contents

  • Copyright/Confidentiality Statements

  • Graphic Design Elements

2. Executive Summary

Set up the proposal with a comprehensive overview of its content; however, keep this brief. Consider this an opportunity to impress the client with the proposal content significantly.

  • Client’s Needs/Goals, Solution Offered

  • Project Benefits, Value Proposition

  • Scope Of Work, Timeline, Evaluation

  • Pricing, Return On Investment, Metrics

  • Contact Information, Visual Aids

3. Project Needs

Intrigue the client further by displaying a particularly comprehensive understanding of their needs.  Whenever possible, deliberately apply the solution provided by the proposed product or service to the client’s needs.

  • Objective, Client’s Needs, Solutions, Resource Requirements

  • Scope Of Work, Challenges, Methodology, Budget

  • Project Phases, Key Features, Dependencies, Assumptions

  • Tools, Milestones, Regulatory Compliance

  • Quality Assurance, Deliverables, Risks, Mitigation

4. Scope Of Project Work

Explicitly define what is being done for the client, especially if on-site work is involved (i.e., installation). For example, describe the creation process for an art proposal or every physical task required in a construction proposal.

  • Project Goals, Detailed Task Description, Dependencies

  • Deliverables, Resource Allocation, Quality Standards

  • Change Management, Communication, Contingencies

  • Risks, Legal Considerations, Mitigation, Criteria

  • Client Responsibilities, Regulatory Compliance

5. Project Methodology

Discuss the company’s techniques for completing the project and meeting its challenges in an appropriate context (i.e., consultation, architecture, SaaS). Also, discuss the company’s mission, the preferred project tools, and timeline

  • Methodology Explanation, Project Phases

  • Resources, Roles, Responsibilities, Timeline

  • Tools, Quality Assurance, Data Handling

  • Testing, Risk Management, Innovation

  • Training, Documentation, Assumptions

6. Project Timeline

Present the complete project schedule, especially whenever deliverables are involved, as this will keep the client’s expectations realistic.  Document additional factors (i.e., meetings) for more involved services or products.

  • Project Phases, Milestones, Deliverables, Start/End Date

  • Activity Schedule, Dependencies, Resource Allocation

  • Regular Updates, Reporting, Change Management

  • Assumptions, Constraints, Third Party Dependencies

  • Contingency Plan, Client Obligations, Compliance

7. Financial Information And Budgeting

Compose a budget sheet for the client so every expense and cost (i.e., labor, materials) is visible. Also, remember to report third-party costs and, of course, the estimated total estimate of the project, product, or service.

  • Cost Categories, Estimates, Total

  • Labor, Subcontractors, Materials, Equipment Supplies

  • Travel, Contingencies, Miscellaneous Costs, Fees, Taxes

  • Discounts, Incentives, Notes, Terms, Conditions

  • Budget Considerations, Legal Considerations

8. Resource Requirements

Most projects require at least some resources to engage and complete; henceforth, devote a section to list them. For example, identify the equipment, tools, technology, and human resources necessary to meet the client’s needs.

  • Staffing Plan, Team Member Profiles

  • Project Management, Training Requirements

  • Equipment, Technology, Materials, Supplies

  • Physical Space, Vendor, Subcontractor Engagement

  • Resource Availability, Resource Allocation Timeline

9. Risk Assessment And Mitigation

Produce a risk analysis of the client’s goals and needs in addition to the contingencies in place to handle them. This also applies to manufactured goods since their hazards must be listed with instructions on accident treatment (i.e., rust removers).

  • Risk Identification, Risk Assessment

  • Risk Ownership, Mitigation Strategies

  • Monitoring, Reporting, Resource Allocation

  • Risk Prioritization, Interactions, Dependencies

  • Constraints, Client Involvement, Lessons Learned

10. Performance Metrics

Explain how success shall be measured, especially if this is an intangible project without physical products (i.e., a marketing project). For example, any marketing sales proposal should present project metrics or KPIs (key performance indicators).

  • Performance Monitoring, Reporting Frequency

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Quantifiable Metrics

  • Target Objectives, Testing, Continuous Improvement

  • Risk Managment, Mitigation, Contingencies

  • Client Involvement, Baseline Data, Feedback, Approval

11. Stakeholder Engagement

Identify and assess stakeholders that are significantly involved with the project, the client, and the provider. It is equally important to address the exact interests held by the stakeholders.

  • Roles, Responsibilities, Communication Plan

  • Stakeholder Involvement, Client Engagement

  • Vendor/Subcontractor Interactions, Conflict Resolution

  • Assumptions, Constraints, Training, Awareness

  • Reporting, Feedback, Documentation

12. Sustainability And Project Impact

If applicable, specifically lay the company’s environmentally conscious approach to the client’s project. Additionally, discuss the social or economic impact the completed objective will have, if any.

  • Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact

  • Economic Impact Assessment, Resource Efficiency

  • Sustainability, Goals, Metrics, Measurements

  • Social Responsibilities, Environmental Responsibilities

  • Community Engagement, Supporting Documentation

13. Appendices

A well-developed proposal will be easy to read; however, some attachments may hinder the overall feel. Thus, use this area to present every oversized document, chart, or visual considered part of the proposal.

  • References, Citations, Client Testimonials, Case Studies

  • Team Resumes, Bios, Certificates, Qualifications

  • Technical Specifications, Visual Aids, Samples, Contracts

  • Legal Documents, Financial Statements, Project Plans

  • Appendix Table Of Contents, Additional Research Data

14. Contact Information

List the company’s project contacts while inviting the client to follow up on this proposal with inquiries or a commitment. Additionally, inform the client of the best time to initiate contact.

  • Proposing Company/Organization Information

  • Project Client Information, Legal Notices, Confidentiality

  • Emergency Contact, Project-Specific Contacts

  • Preferred Contact Methods, Response Time Expectations

  • Alternate Contacts, Language Considerations

15. Approval And Signatures

Close the proposal with some particularly encouraging language and a summary of the terms of the sale. Also, supply a signature area for every client, stakeholder, and company representative.

  • Agreement/Proposal Title, Signature Lines

  • Proposing Company/Organization’s Signature

  • Witness Signatures, Notary Public Area

  • Confidentiality And Non-Disclosure Clauses

  • Proposal Summary, Instructions For Return