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Pitch Deck Investment Proposal

Pitch deck proposals are designed to be dynamic and engaging since they are generally delivered to potential investors in person or via media. While they must be focused on an investor’s interests, they are used to present business models, market opportunities, and the profitability of startups, company projects, or even nonprofit initiatives.

Types of Pitch Deck Investment Proposals (14)

  1. Angel Investor Pitch Deck – A pitch focusing on the proposer’s unique value proposition, narration, and opportunity.
  2. Corporate Investment Pitch Deck – A proposal pitched to corporations by startups seeking investment, thus emphasizing goal alignments and market strategies.
  3. Crowdfunding Pitch Deck – A proposal typically designed for apps (i.e., Kickstarter) offering a company’s investment shares to a large audience.
  4. Equity Crowdfunding Pitch Deck – Proposals seeking multiple investors in exchange for shares, thus concentrating on a specific business model’s growth potential.
  5. Grant Proposal Pitch Deck – A formal pitch that is typically made to support a formal grant proposal with potential outcomes.
  6. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Pitch Deck – This proposal approaches investors for projects specifically in blockchain or cryptocurrency.
  7. Nonprofit or Foundation Funding Pitch Deck – Proposals discussing nonprofit missions and beneficiary impacts to seek investor Funding (i.e., Donors).
  8. Real Estate Investment Pitch Deck – Proposals presenting visuals, financial projections, and financial analysis because investors in real property are sought.
  9. Series A Pitch Deck – Proposals seeking larger investments after receiving initial seed funding, thus using market validation and scalability.
  10. Series B or Later-Stage Pitch Deck – A proposal promoting older company revenue models while seeking significant investments for its growth.
  11. Social Investment Pitch Deck – This proposal seeks investor support in projects with a community impact (i.e., environment campaigns).
  12. Strategic Partnership Pitch Deck – A proposal seeking partnership investments, thus presenting a strategic partnership’s potential profitability and mutual benefits.
  13. Technology Product Licensing Pitch Deck – A proposal often demonstrating a company’s technological goods (i.e., Software) to seek investment funds.
  14. Venture Capital (VC) Pitch Deck – A proposal approaching venture capital firms pitching ROI and other incentives (i.e., scalability).

What Should Be Included (14 Items)

  1. Pitch Deck Introduction
  2. Project Or Company Team
  3. Problem Statement Or Investment Justification
  4. Investment Solution
  5. Market Opportunity
  6. Business Model
  7. Traction
  8. Competitive Analysis
  9. Marketing And Sales Strategy
  10. Financial Projections
  11. Funding Request
  12. Use Of Funds
  13. Exit Strategies
  14. Appendices

1. Pitch Deck Introduction

Present the proposing company while introducing the project’s goal or opportunity in focus. Consider it a priority to impress the potential client with the company’s assessment as well as its expertise.

  • Company Name & Logo, Presentation Agenda

  • Tagline or Elevator Pitch, Investment Amount, Hook
  • Presenter Introduction, Investment Purpose, ROI
  • Equity Investment, Debt Financing, Partnership, Benefits
  • Potential Valuation, Investment Use, Call to Action (CTA)

2. Project Or Company Team

Compose a series of slides showcasing the company’s managing team and key players so their experience and qualifications are shown. Explore each one’s background with the potential client and discuss the team’s overall experience with the investment opportunity offered.

  • Founder, Key Executives, Advisors, Board Members

  • Biographies, Educational Background, Experience

  • Roles, Responsibilities, Value, Contributions

  • Previous Success, Notable Achievements

  • Social Media, LinkedIn Profiles, Professional Networks

3. Problem Statement Or Investment Justification

Regardless of the investment’s nature, every presentation must clearly state the objective or problem requiring investor support. It is also crucial that the project’s pain points, value, and market potential are discussed.

  • Clear Problem Description, Data Evidence, Statistics
  • Examples, Customer Pain Points, Personalization, Targets

  • Revenue Generation, Market Growth, Market Disruption
  • Competing Solutions, Target Audience, Problem Validation
  • Pilots, Problem Persistence, Sustainable Solutions

4. Investment Solution

Since investor funds are sought, explain how they will be allocated to solve the current challenges to the project. Additionally, provide the value proposition and unique selling points attached to the project (whether a product, service, or strategy).

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP), Key Features, Benefits

  • Core Functionalities, User Experience, Demonstrations
  • Value Proposition, Development Stage, Trademarks
  • Scalability, Intellectual Property, Market Fit, Pricing Model
  • Competitive Advantages, Proprietary Technology

5. Market Opportunity

Continue the presentation with a compelling argument for the market opportunity, target market, and market trends that justify the company’s funds request. Make it a point also to show the consumer demographics and the ROI (return on investment) potential.

  • Market Landscape, Total Addressable Market (TAM), USP
  • Market Trends, Growth rates, Emerging Opportunities

  • Pain Points, Target Customer Profiles, Market Interests
  • Market Entry Strategy, Market Share, Market Validation

  • Intellectual Property Protections, Market Positioning

6. Business Model

Show and convince the potential investor of the company’s profitability as well as its growth potential. Discuss the rationale for the company’s business models and its ability for strategy development.

  • Value Proposition, Unique Advantages, Monetization
  • Revenue Streams, Sales Strategy, Competitive Analysis
  • Licensing, Revenue Channels, Pricing Model, Market Size
  • Value Proposition Alignment, Distribution Channels
  • Customer Acquisition, Retention, Key Partnerships

7. Traction

Demonstrate the company’s growth trajectory by presenting its revenue growth, KPIs (i.e., customer acquisition costs), and current market traction. The key goal is to build the investor’s confidence in continued growth; however, evidence must support this.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Monthly Revenue

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Revenue Increases

  • Conversions, User Growth, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

  • Customer Testimonials, Case Studies, Partnerships
  • Expansion Potential, Market Share, Competitive Analysis

8. Competitive Analysis

Deliver a presentation defining the company’s competitive landscape, explicitly discussing its competitive advantages, target markets, and key strengths. For instance, explain the competitive matrix it survives in as well as its market shares.

  • Competitor Overview, Target Markets, Key Strengths, Risks
  • Competitive Matrix Key Factors, Competitive Advantages

  • Unique Selling Points (USPs), Competitive Strategies
  • SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Entry Barriers, Proprietary Technology, Brand Recognition

9. Marketing And Sales Strategy

Engage a demonstration showing the company’s strategies to increase its consumer base and drive revenue in a convincing value proposition. Furthermore, detail the sales channels and team utilized for the sales strategies.

  • Target Market, Demographics, Content Marketing
  • KPIs, Marketing Plan, Positioning, Messaging, Advertising
  • Sales Channel, Direct, e-Commerce, Third-Party Retailers

  • Pricing Strategy, Price Points, Market Positioning, Branding
  • Sales Forecast, Assumptions, Customer Retention

10. Financial Projections

Deliver the company’s revenue forecast for the next three to five years, but note the assumptions made. For example, give realistic figures on the company’s gross margin potential when discussing the projected profit and loss.

  • Revenue Projections, Market Segment, Capital Structure
  • Cost Structure, Cash Flow Statement, Growth Trajectory
  • Costs Of Goods Sold (COGS), Equity Financial Health,
  • Operating Expenses, Gross Margin, Profit and Loss (P&L)
  • Operating Cash Flow, Investment Cash Flow, Financing

11. Funding Request

Bring together the unique selling points of the proposal winning features since this will strengthen the request for investment. Make the investment ask while presenting the revenue forecasts, cash flow expectations, risks, and profitability estimates.

  • Funding Amount, Use, Equity, Debt, Convertible Notes, CTA
  • User Acquisition Targets, Market Expansion, Protections
  • Investment Terms, Revenue Projections, Valuations
  • Launches, Ownership Percentage, Equity Percentage
  • Stake Investor Rights, Exit Strategy, Financial Projections

12. Use Of Funds

Dispense a distribution breakdown for the investment amount, discussing allocation for expenses such as company technology infrastructure improvements. Also, examine the financial planning and timeline behind the project.

  • Resource Allocation, Key Expense, Marketing, Advertising
  • Technology Infrastructure, Research & Development
  • Distribution, Working Capital, Justification, Prioritization
  • Personnel, Contingency, Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Revenue Growth, Profitability, Visuals, Transparency

13. Exit Strategies

Discuss in detail precisely how the ROI can be realized, including the timeline that applies to each option. Regardless of the reason for this proposal, every investor will want to see their exit options, the specific steps required, and their projected returns.

  • Exit Options, Initial Public Offering (IPO), Acquisitions
  • Merger, Management Buyout, Potential Valuation
  • Timelines, Financial Performance, Market Conditions

  • Exit Preparation, Contingencies, Flexibility, Adaptability

  • Secondary Sale, ROI, Investor’s Role, Previous Exits

14. Appendices

Naturally, it is important that the presentation and its slides or media progress in a user-friendly manner. Thus, organize an appendix kit with supplementary information, legal agreements, and the charts needed to support and proceed with this proposal.

  • Table Of Contents, Financial Projections, Financial Models
  • Key Financial Metrics, Methodologies, Data, Budget Sheet
  • Market Research, Surveys, Prototypes, Product Demos

  • Testimonials, Case Studies, Intellectual Property, Media

  • Legal Documentation, Proof Of Compliance, Copyrights