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Charity Event Proposal

Charity event proposals showcase an event’s goals and promotional strategies with a specific mission that is often fundraising. This proposal must define its purpose and relevance to the recipient, especially if they are being approached for sponsorship and support.

Types Of Charity Event Proposals (11)

  1. Benefit Concert Event – Proposals featuring the logistics and organization of a musical entertainment event that is put on strictly for charity.
  2. Charity Auction Event – Proposals used to organize a live, silent, or online auction for donated products or services for the purpose of raising funds.
  3. Charity Fundraising Gala – A proposal focusing on formal evening events, especially those featuring dinners or auctions for a cause.
  4. Charity Sports Event – This proposal features a sports match or event (i.e., golf tournaments) that is organized to raise funds or awareness for a charitable cause.
  5. Community Fair Charity Event – The proposal sent to attract participants in a community-wide event (i.e., a fair, or art festival) as a means to raise funds for a charity.
  6. Corporate Charity Challenge – Proposals specifically aimed at corporations and other types of business for the purpose of attracting volunteers for a charity event.
  7. Environment Cleanup Charity Event – Proposals used to gain support, volunteers, staff, and resources for a clean-up initiative (such as debris removal) to benefit the environment.
  8. Holiday Charity Drive Event – A time-sensitive proposal describing the specifics of a charity event that is organized, occurs, and concludes with a holiday, such as a Christmas food drive.
  9.  Online Charity Event – A proposal discussing the benefits and potential gains of hosting a charity event purely online, thus, focusing on topics such as low overheads.
  10. Volunteer Recognition Charity Event – Proposals detailing events where an organization’s volunteers are thanked for their efforts while also raising awareness for a specific charity.
  11. Walk/Run Charity Event – The proposal used to detail the plans where pledges are gathered so that sponsors can donate a certain amount for the distance participants can cover.

What Should Be Included (17 Items)

  1. Charity Event Proposal Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction
  4. Charity Event Overview
  5. Charity Objectives
  6. Financial Overview
  7. Charity Event Schedule
  8. Sponsorship Opportunities
  9. Charity Event Promotional Strategy
  10. Charity Fundraising Strategy
  11. Charity Event Staff And Volunteers
  12. Charity Event Venue
  13. Community Impact
  14. Charity Organization And Event Partners
  15. Metrics And Evaluation
  16. Proposal Conclusion
  17. Appendices


1. Charity Event Cover Page

Develop an engaging design for the proposal, then present the charity event’s name, dates, and times on its cover page. Also, include the organizer or event planner’s information and logo.

  • Charity Event Or Proposal Title
  • Charity Event Date, Location
  • Promotional Text, Images, Taglines
  • Organizer Name, Contact Information
  • Executive Summary (Optional)

2. Charity Proposal Executive Summary

Produce an attractive snapshot of the proposal and significantly build up its selling points. While this should be a somewhat condensed section, make sure it is all-inclusive.

  • Charity Event, Objectives, Introduction
  • Mission Statement, Fundraising
  • Event Reach, Marketing, Target Audience
  • Location, Venue, Dates, Amenities
  • Call To Action, Positive, Encouraging

3. Introduction

Set the proposal’s tone with a professional but optimistic introduction of the charitable organization sending it. Present the recipient with the organization’s mission as well as the alignments this mission shares with the event goals.

  • Opening Greeting, Professionalism
  • Optimism, Charity Event Goals
  • Overview, Importance, Significance
  • Organiziation Mission Alignment
  • Recipient Objectives Alignment

4. Charity Event Overview

Give an overall description of the charity event’s flow of events and venue. That is, show how the venue benefits the event and how it will engage its target audience.

  • Title, Signficance, Purpose, Agenda

  • Date/Time, Venue, Expected Attendance
  • Audience Engagement, Activities, Target Market
  • Registration, Ticketing, Attendance, Amenities

  • Funding, Finances, Projected Impacts

5. Charity Or Fundraising Objectives

Explicitly state why the charity event is taking place. Bring its goals, history, and current mission together while relating these to the recipient’s interests.

  • SMART Objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound)
  • Impacts, Finances, Legal Compliance
  • Organization Goals, Recipient Objectives
  • Interest Alignments, Beneficts
  • Call To Action, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

6. Financial Overview

Explain the finances and budget driving this charity event together with future prospects. To clarify, spell out every line item in the budget, its total estimated cost, its current revenue (including donations), and its future projections.

  • Balance Sheet, Expenses, Income, Donations/Contributions
  • Potential Revenue/Donation Opportunities

  • Event Cost, Line-By-Line Itemization
  • Funding Sources, Projected Expenses
  • Narratives, Incentives, Financial Calendar

7. Charity Event Scheduling

Fully divulge the charity event’s schedule the day of as well as the preparation and post-event activities. For example, point out milestone dates like stage setups and day of attractions such as when a performer will take the stage.

  • Charity Event Date, Location, Set Up/Preparation
  • Kick-Off, Agenda, Speakers, Performers

  • Parallel Tracks, Sponsors, Audience Engagement
  • Breaks, Amenities, Q&A
  • Event End Date/Time, Post-Event Activities

8. Opportunities For Sponsorship

In some cases, the proposal may be written to seek sponsors. If this is the case, then spell out the tiers, packages, or sponsorship levels being offered.

  • Sponsor Tiers/Levels, Rights, Privileges
  • Previous Sponsorship Testimonies
  • Deadlines, Sponsor Financial Responsibilities
  • Customized Sponsor Packages, Options
  • Corporate Social Responsibility, Benefits, CTA

9. Charity Event Promotional Strategy

Explain how the charity event will reach its target audience and then engage them. Furthermore, detail the marketing and advertising strategies the organization will utilize to maintain this level of interest as well as expand it.

  • Marketing, Advertising, Promotional Channels
  • Media Outreach, Email Campaign, Strategy
  • Registration Platforms, Event Website
  • Media Strategy, Media Partners

  • Marketing Collateral, Target Reach, Attendees

10. Charity Fundraising Strategy

Present the strategy the organization will utilize in raising capital and support accordingly. For example, spell out the email campaign the organization will run to ask for donations or specifics of a crowdfunding campaign.

  • Fundraising Goals, Communication
  • Donor Recognition, Incentives, Gift Matching
  • Fundraising Challenges, Tools, Team, Team Roles
  • Peer-To-Peer, Platform, Accessibility, Exposure
  • Resource Allocation, Fund Sourcing, Revenue

11. Charity Event Staff And Volunteers

Present the staff and the volunteers participating in the charity event as well as any training that will be required. Furthermore, show the source of this personnel and their compensation (if appropriate).

  • Staff Recruitment, Key Staff Members
  • Volunteer Recruitment, Outreach, Orientation
  • Supervision, Resources, Support, Training Materials
  • Safety, Benefits, Compensation (If Any)

  • Budget, Assessments, Volunteer Membership Drives

12. Charity Event Venue

Describe the charity event venue in detail. Attach the floorplans and, if able, point out the amenities, accessibility, and safety features in this location.

  • Event Venue Floor Plans, Amenities, Benefits
  • Logistics, Security, A/V Technical Requirements
  • Catering, Event Schedule, Exhibits, Displays
  • Safety Measures, Accessibility, Capacity
  • Vendor/Supplier Relations, Waste Management, Licensing

13. Charity Event Community Impact

Specifically, explain the projected impact on the community (as a whole) as well as on the charity’s beneficiaries.  It is also important to show the long-term impacts on the community, especially if they are positive and sustainable.

  • Goals, Beneficiaries, Stakeholders
  • Partnerships, Collaboration, Community Awareness

  • KPIs, Feedback, Surveys, Local Economic Impact

  • Improvement, Sustainability, Resources
  • Testimonials, Budget, Monitoring, Assessments

14. Charity Organization And Event Partners

Introduce any partners that are involved with the organization as well as the event itself. Explicitly show how the recipient’s network and reach may potentially benefit by being associated with the charity event as a result of these collaborations.

  • Partner Organizations, Roles, Resources
  • Partner Goals, Testimonials
  • Communication, Benefits, Gratitude
  • Contracts, Media Partners, Collaboration Agents
  • Networking, Marketing, CTA

15. Metrics And Evaluations

Discuss the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will determine whether or not the charity is successful in its goals. Also, show how past charity events have used these indicators to improve their functionality, effect, and reach.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Baseline Data
  • Quantitative Analysis, Projected Impacts

  • Community Impact Metrics, Surveys, Outreach

  • Feedback, Analysis, Reporting, Monitoring

  • Performance History, Charity Needs, CTA

16. Proposal Conclusion

Bring the key points, selling points, and objectives discussed in the proposal to a well-worded summary that prompts the recipient to respond accordingly. This call to action should also be accompanied with the information needed to contact the proposal’s sender.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Event Benefits
  • Call To Action, Key Points, Recipient Benefits
  • Commitment, Contact Information
  • Closing Statement, Encouragement, Politeness
  • Gratitude, Signatures, Appendix Reminder

17. Appendices

All supporting information and additional material (i.e., pamphlets, media) should be included in an appendix section. This will promote the proposal’s aesthetics as well as its manageability for the reader’s benefit.

  • Marketing Collateral, Sponsorship Packages
  • Budget Details, Venue Maps, Diagrams
  • Contracts, Disclosures, Agreements, Media Promotions
  • Survey Forms, Survey Results, Registration Forms

  • Pamphlets, Legal Documentation, Oversized Documents