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Software Design Proposal Template

The software design proposal approaches clients with a designer’s qualifications to design, implement, and update software specifically. Such a proposal will focus on the software project’s requirements, scope of work, and objectives while demonstrating the designer’s software solutions and ability to implement them.

Types Of Software Design Proposals (15)

  1. Custom Software Development – This proposal is for clients with unique software needs and will be exceptionally responsive to the project specifics.
  2. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software Design – This proposal is developed to highlight the customer interaction software skills of the designer and will appeal to clients with commerce-based projects.
  3. E-Learning Software Design – This proposal appeals to many clients, especially in education, because it demonstrates the designer’s knowledge of learning software or training modules.
  4. Embedded Software Design – A proposal focused on clients requiring work on embedded systems (i.e., medical equipment).
  5. Enterprise Software Design – A proposal featuring the software engineer’s skills in business processes and system analysis.
  6. Financial Software Design – A proposal that highlights a software designer’s banking and financial system skills.
  7. GIS (Geographic Information System) Software Design – This type of proposal appeals to clients with location-based services since it showcases the software designer’s expertise in geographical data applications such as GPS.
  8. Healthcare Software Design – Proposals aiming for projects within the healthcare industry and show off software design skills in areas such as electronic healthcare records.
  9. HRM (Human Resource Management) Software Design – A proposal meant to feature the software designer’s expertise in human resource software and requires strong skills in data management.
  10. Mobile App Design – This proposal will seek mobile technology projects, specifically iOS and Android.
  11. SaaS (Software as a Service) Design Proposal – The proposal demonstrating a designer’s ability with cloud-based services, such as clients with membership sites.
  12. Software Integration Design – A proposal discussing the software designer’s integration skills between existing and newer systems.
  13. Software Prototype Design – Proposals made for clients with projects that require software design before the start of development.
  14. Software UI/UX Design – This proposal centers on the software designer’s UI (user interface) design skills.
  15. Web Application Design – A proposal to attract clients with web projects such as e-commerce platforms.

What Should Be Included (16 Items)

  1. Introduction
  2. Software Design Project Overview
  3. Scope Of Work
  4. User Requirements
  5. Architecture
  6. Technical Design Approach
  7. User Interface Design
  8. Database Design
  9. Technology Stack
  10. Timeline
  11. Resource Allocation
  12. Cost Estimate
  13. Risk And Mitigation
  14. Assumptions
  15. Portfolio And References
  16. Appendices


1. Introduction

Open the proposal with a project summary and the software designer’s experience, qualifications, and history. Since this proposal must convince the client to award the project to the software designer, include the reasons defining the benefits of working with the designer.

  • Greeting And Contact Information

  • Project Goals

  • Collaboration

  • Proposal Objective And Overview

  • Call To Action

2. Software Design Project Overview

Produce a discussion to sum up the project’s design objectives and software requirements. Also, make sure to involve client and stakeholder interests during the overview.

  • Project Title And Information

  • Introduction To Software (Features, Function, Impact)

  • Project Objectives, Challenges, Duration
  • Target Audience/Users

  • Estimated Impact/Value

3. Scope Of Work

Discuss, in detail, all software design deliverables and each step to them. Give a precise analysis and plan of the project and how the software designer will complete it while solving its associated obstacles.

  • Functionality, Modules, Components, Platform, Devices

  • UI (Roles, Permissions)

  • Data Management, Work Flow, Processes

  • Integration, Dependencies, Testing

  • User Documentation, Prototypes, Training

4. User Requirements

List all the elements the software requires to operate accordingly. Include functional as well as nonfunctional elements since this must be a complete overview.

  • Functional/NonFunctional Requirements

  • Data, Integration, Performance, Security

  • User Interface (UI), Experience (UX), Performance

  • Compatability, Localization, Usability

  • Limitations And Assumptions

5. Architecture

Document all modules, systems, and components making up the architecture of the software. In other words, define what parts and systems need to be in place and their integration.

  • Architecture (UI, Deployment, Database, Security)

  • Technology Stack, Scalability, Integration, Caching

  • Error, Disaster Recovery, Backup

  • Backup, Testing Environment, Staging

  • Microservices, State Managements, Logging

6. Technical Design Approach

Explicitly discuss the software design methodology and principles the software designer will implement to answer the client’s needs. In essence, outline their school of thought and the project goals and show how they will integrate.

  • Developmental Methodology, Project Phases, Security

  • Requirements Analysis, Design And Prototyping

  • Testing Strategy, Quality Assurance, Code Reviews

  • Documentation Practices, Performance Optimization

  • Version Control, Deployment Strategy, Monitoring

7. User Interface Design

If applicable, demonstrate how the software designers will have users interact with the project system. In addition, present image mockups for every screen at every stage.

  • Design (Principle, Responsive, Visual)

  • Information Architecture, Wireframes, Prototypes

  • UI Navigation, UX Goals

  • Feedback, Animations

  • Module Consistency, Usability

8. Database Design

Give the client a clear idea of how the software will handle data management tasks such as data flow. For example, report where and how data will be stored and retrieved.

  • Database Architecture, Database Schema

  • Data (Modeling, Relationships, Validation, Archiving)

  • Migration Strategy, Indexing Strategy, Security

  • Backups, Recovery, Purging, Integrity Constraints

  • Scalability, Performance, Documentation, Normalization

9. Technology Stack

List every programming language the designer will implement for this project. If possible, give the client additional options.

  • Programming Language, Framework And Library

  • Front-End Technology, Back End Technology

  • Database Management Systems, API’s, Web Service

  • Version Control, Quality Assurance, Deployment Platforms

  • Security Tools, Documentation, Collaboration

10. Timeline

Establish the project schedule as well as the software design team’s schedule. Explicitly point out milestones, phases, meetings, and feedback periods.

  • Project Phases, Milestones

  • Start Date, Estimated Duration, Gantt Chart

  • Deliverable Dates, QA Phases, Client Review Points

  • Post-Deployment Activities, Dependencies

  • Communication Schedule, Input Deadlines, End Date

11. Human Resource Allocation

Name every team member then report their role or function on this project. Also, report the same for every subcontractor or vendor the team employs for this project.

  • Team Structure (Composition, Skillsets)

  • Distribution, Alignment, Development Environments

  • Budget Allocation, Training and Skill Development

  • Resource (Constraints, Contingency, External)

  • Communication, Reporting

12. Cost Estimate

Document the charges the software designer or agency expects the client to pay since this must be established during negotiation. Overall, give a breakdown estimate of all billable factors and a total estimated cost for the software design project.

  • Cost Categories (Personnel, Software, Equipment, Training)

  • Contingency Fund

  • Travel Or Accomodation

  • Taxes, Fees, Miscellaneous

  • Estimate Validity Expiration

13. Risk And Mitigation

Analyze the software project, then present the client with every challenge to its completion. It is equally important to discuss the contingencies and solutions that will be put in place when the risk is realized.

  • Risk (Identification, Assessment, Description)

  • Mitigation Strategies, Contingency (Plans, Budget)

  • Risk (Ownership, Monitoring, Documentation)

  • Change Management

  • Client Collaboration, Change Management

14. Assumptions

Include any implied factors, resources, service requirements, or additional payments assumed specifically for this project. Keep in mind that any assumed additional costs should also be discussed in the payment section.

  • Project Scope, Client Responsibilities, Resource Availability

  • External Dependencies, Schedule, Budget

  • Communication, Constraints, Client Approval

  • Legal Compliance, Risk Considerations

  • Scope Of Assumptions, Assumptions Validity Expiration

15. Portfolio And References

Organize a presentation of past software design accomplishments, notable achievements, as well as past client testimonials. Also, include references from satisfied clients, the education of the design team, and their qualifications for this project.

  • Names, Contact Information, Credentials

  • Case Studies, Testimonials

  • Successful Projects, Current Acheivements And Standing

  • Online Portfolio and Profiles Links

  • References

16. Appendices

Since the proposal should flow smoothly when reviewed, a section allowing for remaining files and documentation should be included. Gather the technical drawings, charts, spreadsheets, contracts, mockups, wireframes, and all other supplemental documents, files, and images, then attach them to this section.

  • Sample Work, Wireframes And Mockups, Technical Specs

  • Budget Breakdown Sheets, Calendar (Timeline)

  • Risk And Mitigation, Terms And Conditions, Contracts

  • Team Member Profiles, Portfolio, Media

  • Client References, Case Studies