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Interior Design Proposal Template

The interior design proposal is a valuable communication tool when an interior designer intends to contact a client and obtain their interior design project contract. Several discussion points are required, particularly those aimed at winning the client and showing the designer’s project solutions and costs.

Types Of Interior Design Proposals (16)

    1. Commercial Interior Design – This type of proposal is meant exclusively for businesses such as retail or office spaces and will focus on how a professional area will function and look.
    2. Educational Interior Design – This type of proposal demonstrates an interior designer’s lighting and layout plans for the inside of educational facilities (i.e., classrooms, lecture halls, and lunchrooms).
    3. Event and Exhibition Design – This proposal is for clients with events and requires an interior designer to showcase expertise in temporary but attractive installations.
    4. Green Interior Design – A proposal that centers on an interior designer’s portfolio for eco-friendly interiors, energy-efficient power systems, and environmentally safe materials.
    5. Healthcare Interior Design – A proposal appealing to medical facilities and showing the interior designer’s understanding of creating comforting environments while integrating medical equipment.
    6. Hospitality Interior Design – Proposals crafted to attract hotel, restaurant, and other hospitality clients.
    7. Industrial Interior Design – Warehouse and manufacturing clients will seek this proposal to see an interior designer’s skill in creating productive areas with a clear understanding of lighting and power systems.
    8. Luxury Interior Design – The proposal features an interior designer’s high-quality materials and sophisticated systems for customers with luxurious themes to their structures.
    9. Office Interior Design – The proposal designers use to feature their workspace designs to clients with offices.
    10. Residential Interior Design – A design proposal that is written to clients who wish to create or renovate their private homes’ interior layout, functionality, or aesthetics.
    11. Restaurant Interior Design – A proposal that features the interior designer’s aesthetics in dining, waiting, and kitchen areas for restaurant client projects.
    12. Retail Interior Design – This proposal focuses on spaces that promote customer-oriented areas by the designer.
    13. Renovation and Remodeling – A proposal that attracts potential clients who wish to upgrade or redesign their interiors.
    14. Spa and Wellness Interior Design – The interior design proposal shows a designer’s ability to create serene places for beauty salons, wellness centers, and other spa clients.
    15. Universal Design Interior – The proposal demonstrates the interior designer’s expertise in customizing spaces to be user-friendly regardless of the request.
    16. Virtual Interior Design – A contactless proposal that interacts with clients online (i.e., Zoom, social media).

What Should Be Included (15 Items)

  1. Interior Design Cover Letter
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Interior Design Project Summary
  4. Design Concept And Principles
  5. Scope Of Project
  6. Interior Designing Process
  7. Interior Design Project Cost Breakdown
  8. Projected Timeline
  9. Deliverables
  10. Interior Design Contract Terms And Conditions
  11. Client Responsibilities
  12. Interior Designer References And Portfolio
  13. Communication Plan
  14. Health And Safety Considerations
  15. Appendices


1. Interior Design Cover Letter

Write a brief letter introducing the interior design business to the client. Also, show gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity to apply for the project before signing it.

  • Introduction, Reference Past Discussions

  • Project Understanding (Overview, Budgeting, Challenges)

  • Confidence (Project Solutions, Collaboration Benefits)

  • Interior Design Business History, Approach, Achievements

  • Budgeting, Timeline, Scope Of Project, Materials, Goals

2. Executive Summary

Compose a summary of the proposal’s chapters or sections while discussing the positive results of project completion. In fact, this section should encourage the client to pursue the project with the interior designer.

  • Proposal Overview (Main Points, Objectives)
  • Project (Selling Points, Benefits, Values)
  • Project Scope (Concepts, Dates/Duration, Milestones)
  • Client’s Profile (History, Goals, Scheduling)
  • Budgeting (Estimated Costs, Materials)

3. Interior Design Project Summary

Develop a synopsis of the interior design project while discussing the client’s needs in detail. In addition, give the client a clear idea of how the project will meet their expectations upon completion.

  • Project (Title, Objectives, Location, Challenges)

  • Client (Introduction, Vision, Goals, Input)

  • Project Scope (Timeline, Requirements, Site Analysis)

  • Materials (Quality, Costs, Assurance)

  • Design Approach (Collaboration, Conceptualization)

4. Design Concepts And Principles

Go over the guiding principles and ideas that motivate the interior design project while giving special attention to subject matters such as conceptualization, themes, storylines, and materials.

  • Introduction (Concepts, Approach)

  • Materials, Textures, Color Palettes, Layouts

  • Spatial Zoning, Furniture, Lighting

  • Mood Boards, 3D Renderings, Client Preferences

  • Sustainability (Environmental Impacts, Considerations)

5. Scope Of Project

Present the client with a clear description of how the work for the interior design project will progress in detail. Also, make sure that the deliverables are clearly defined in this section.

  • Project Description And Design Objectives

  • Layout (Space Planning, Furniture/Fixtures)

  • Selections (Color, Materials)

  • Collaboration (Contractors, Clients, Site Visits, Supervision)

  • Budget (Exclusions, Additional Services, Opportunities)

6. Interior Designing Process

Break down the design process for the client’s benefit while keeping in mind that every step should be explained. For instance, devote some time spelling out the steps leading from the initial consultation to concept development.

  • Consultation, Discovery, Conceptualization, Development

  • Presenting Design Concepts, Client Feedback, Revisions

  • Material, Furniture, Fixture Selection

  • Procurement, Sourcing, And Budget Management

  • Project Implementation, Final Touches, Completion

7. Interior Design Project Cost Breakdown

Display the anticipated costs for all materials and furnishings in addition to the design fees. In fact, all relevant costs that will be billed to the interior design client (i.e., gaining a permit) must be listed and explained.

  • Design Fee, Sourcing, Contractor Costs, Labor Costs

  • Custom Elements, Sales Tax, Additional Fees

  • Total Estimated Project Cost, Payment Schedule

  • Budget Management, Transparency and Disclosure

  • Change Orders and Revisions

8. Projected Timeline

Deliver the interior design project schedule, simultaneously setting dates for meetings, feedback, and deliveries. For example, when recording the date and duration of each phase, also mention the milestones.

  • Project (Dates And Duration)

  • Project Phases

  • Key Milestones

  • Client Review, Feedback, Approval

  • Site Visits, Meetings, Inspections

9. Deliverables

Give the client a manifest of every item that will be received for the interior design project, such as sketches, floor plans, presentations, and products. In addition, attach a basic timeline defining when the interior design client will receive all such items.

  • Floor Plans, Elevation Drawings, 3D Renderings

  • Specifications (Material, Finish), Samples (Color, Material)

  • Lighting Design Plan, Decorative Elements, Accessories

  • Presentations, Documentation, Final Design Package

  • Electronic Files, Client Review, Approval Process

10. Interior Design Contract Terms And Conditions

Establish all the legal requirements placed on the interior design client and the designer in writing. All topics relevant to the project, the client, as well as the interior designer must be fully documented to execute this paperwork properly.

  • Scope Of Project, Responsibilities (Designer, Client)

  • Fees (Design Services, Contractor Services, Other Fees)

  • Dispute Resolution, Cancellation/Termination

  • Copyright, Ownership, Confidentiality

  • Signatures

11. Client Responsibilities

Present the requirements the interior designer will expect the client to uphold for the duration of this project in detail. For instance, timely decision-making, prompt replies, feedback, and reasonably timed approvals are all standard obligations the client must live up to.

  • Timely Communication, Feedback, Decisions, Approvals

  • Access, Accuracy, Vendor/Contractor Coordination

  • Budget Management, Prompt Payment, Transparency

  • Adherence To Goals And Timeline

  • Compliance With Regulations And Laws

12. Interior Designer References And Portfolio

Organize positive testimonials and references for the interior design team coupled with media showcasing past accomplishments. In sum, this section should show the client that the interior design team has the experience to complete this project.

  • Contact Information, Online Portfolio Address, Samples

  • References, Client Testimonials

  • Achievements, Notoriety

  • Case Studies, Before And After Studies

  • Publications, Industry Standing

13. Communication Plan

Describe the channels for communication between the interior designer (or team) and the client while setting up update frequency and availability rules. Include essential topics such as meeting schedules and their agenda.

  • Communication (Channels, Etiquette, Language)

  • Meetings (Protocol, Agendas, Scheduling)

  • Client (Availability, Feedback, Walkthroughs)

  • Document Sharing

  • Updates, Progress Or Status Reports

14. Health And Safety Considerations

Reproduce all the health and safety codes and standards applicable to the client’s interior design project in detail. In addition, deliver the interior designer’s statement on health and safety during a project.

  • Safety Regulations And Compliance

  • Accessibility, Ventilation, Air Quality

  • Fire And Emergency Escape Exits

  • Security, Privacy, Systems (Lighting, Electrical)

  • Client Education (Child Safety, Contractor Safety)

15. Appendices

Put together all supporting files and documents for this proposal with attention to any that require client execution. Include the spreadsheets, images, mood boards, contracts, and samples mentioned in the previous section but not yet provided.

  • Building Code Regulations, Spreadsheets, Waivers

  • Project Agreements, Disclaimers, Permits

  • Photographs, 3D Renderings, Supporting Media

  • Technical Diagrams, Illustrations

  • Legal Terms And Supplemental Paperwork