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Graphic Design Proposal Template

The graphic design proposal presents a graphic designer’s skill and portfolio as well as a client’s objectives to secure a contract. The graphic designer will discuss the steps of the graphic design process in relation to the client’s project and solidify the terms and conditions for the design service.

Types Of Graphic Design Proposals (16)

  1. Branding and Identity – The graphic design proposal that pulls together a designer’s skill with color, logos, typography, and brand voice for clients seeking to establish their brand identity.
  2. Environmental Graphic Design – The proposal that seeks clients with projects in physical spaces, such as with signage.
  3. Event Branding and Design – This proposal is designed for clients with events that require graphics, such as banners or stage designs.
  4. General Graphic Design – This proposal gives a comprehensive overview of all of the graphic designer’s skill sets (i.e., logo design, digital graphics, branding, etc.) seeking to appeal to a wide range of clients.
  5. Illustration Proposal – A proposal focusing on a graphic designer’s proficiency with conceptualization and representation because the projects will involve material such as digital media, book covers, album covers, or posters.
  6. Infographic Design – A proposal that shows a designer’s ability to communicate complex information through graphics.
  7. Logo Design – This proposal concentrates on the graphic designer’s mastery of color, typography, and symbolism since it aims at clients who wish to associate their brand identity with a single representative image.
  8. Merchandise Design – This proposal will show a graphic designer’s versatility in materials and is aimed at clients with projects such as those to develop promotional items or apparel accessories.
  9. Motion Graphics – This proposal is for clients seeking animated graphics or videos in their explainer videos or digital marketing.
  10. Packaging Design – A proposal demonstrating the graphic designer’s knowledge of product packaging design, thus featuring the designer’s ability to combine functionality with aesthetics and branding.
  11. Presentation Design – This aims at clients who require graphic design for seminars, meetings, and conferences; thus, the graphic designer should have strong presentation skills.
  12. Print Design – A proposal for clients requiring physical printed material such as flyers, posters, or business cards.
  13. Publication Design – A proposal presenting the graphic designer’s experience and proficiency in typography, layouts, and other visual elements because the clients seek to complete a publication project (i.e., e-books, books, magazines, etc.).
  14. Social Media Design – The proposal is written to attract clients seeking to fill projects involving social media platforms, thus requiring a graphic designer’s understanding of posting banners, profiles, and cover photos.
  15. UI/UX Design – This document seeks to attract clients with digital projects requiring strong user interface skills (i.e., user experience) because the projects will center on digital products or services such as a cell app.
  16. Web Design – The proposal focuses on the graphic designer’s online graphic skills (i.e., user interface, multi-platform responsiveness, etc.) since clients will seek to fill online projects such as web pages.

What Should Be Included (15 Items)

  1. Introduction And Executive Summary
  2. Client Overview
  3. Scope Of Project
  4. Design Approach And Concept
  5. Design Process
  6. Project Timeline
  7. Project Budget
  8. Design Team
  9. Client Responsibilities
  10. Intellectual Property And Rights
  11. Communication And Collaboration
  12. Terms And Conditions
  13. Approval Process
  14. References And Portfolio
  15. Appendices


1. Introduction And Executive Summary

Open the proposal with an introduction to your graphic design business or agency. Then, combine the main goals of the project being sought with the positives of its completion so that the client will continue reading.

  • Project Summary And Objectives

  • Concept And Materials

  • Project Timeline

  • Estimate Cost

  • Qualifications And Credentials

2. Client Overview

Spell out the basic understanding of the client’s needs through a business description, the current branding and design, challenges and goals to the design, and a history of the client’s previous designs. The competitive landscape must be fully described because the client should feel comfortable that the design agency has a firm grip on the industry, the client, and the project.

  • Introduction To Client, Business Description, Industry Context

  • Design Challenges And Goals

  • Competitive Landscape, Previous Design Efforts

  • Communication Preferences

  • Budget And Timeline

3. Scope Of Project

Deliberately list the activities and tasks of the graphic design project with a step-by-step overview of design concepts, such as content integration, brand identity elements, revisions, and iterations. Identify any exclusions to the project scope; however, if applicable, provide the client with any optional additional services.

  • Design Services, Deliverables, And Exclusions

  • Collateral Materials

  • Website Design Elements

  • Print And Packaging Design

  • Final Artwork, Presentation, And Review

4. Design Approach And Concept

Explain the graphic design agency’s methodology in relation to the client’s project vision accordingly. Also, explicitly describe the graphic design team’s conceptualization process (i.e., creative vision, design objectives, adaptability and scalability, and brand alignment).

  • Conceptual Framework

  • Audience Considerations

  • Visual Language, Visual Hierarchy, Integration Of Media

  • Responsive Design (If Applicable)

  • Client Collaboration

5. Design Process

Enlighten the client of the graphic design agency’s design process because this aids their understanding of the agency’s approach. Therefore describe the research and discovery process, storyboarding, design creation, refinement, and all other design processes.

  • Introduction To the Design Process

  • Conceptualization And Storyboarding Or Wireframing

  • Client Presentation, Feedback, Revisions, Finalization

  • Preparation And Presentation Of Deliverables

  • Client Collaboration, Client Review And Approval

6. Project Timeline

Present the graphic design project schedule with attention to each phase (i.e., estimated duration, milestones, client feedback periods). This must give the client an overall understanding of when the project starts, what happens during it and when, and its completion date.

  • Project Date Range

  • Final Design Presentation And Final Deliverables Dates

  • Buffer Time And Project Completion Date

  • Communication, Updates, Client Input And Approvals

  • Contingency

7. Project Budget

Deliver the cost breakdown of the graphic design project since this will be important to the client and will factor into their decision-making process. Disclose the design fees and the costs for revisions, changes, and additional work, as well as any fixed project rates or hourly rates that apply.

  • Cost Breakdown (Design Fees, Hourly Rates, Taxes)

  • Fixed Project Price

  • Additional Revisions Or Rounds, Additional Costs

  • Payment Schedule, Late Payment Policy

  • Deposit Amount, Payment Method

8. Design Team

Display the graphic design team roster assigned to this project. Introduce team members with their names combined with their qualifications, education, portfolio, and contact information. Also, explain each one’s design approach (if relevant), roles, and responsibilities.

  • Lead Designer, Designers, And Creatives

  • Experience And Expertise

  • Collaboration And Communication

  • Client Relationship

  • Contact Information

9. Client Responsibilities

The client’s obligations must be agreed upon and adhered to so that this proposal may enter the next stage. Thus, spell out all the client’s responsibilities, such as transparent and efficient communication and prompt payment.

  • Content And Materials Preparation

  • Compliance With Design Guidelines

  • Design Approvals, Reviewing Deliverables

  • Design Direction, Input, Feedback

  • Change Requests

10. Intellectual Property And Rights

Address any potential questions regarding intellectual property rights related to this project in detail. For example, specify client usage rights and the designer’s portfolio rights.

  • Stock Elements, Modifications, And Derivative Works

  • Attribution And Credit, Exclusivity, Licensing

  • Transfer Of Rights

  • Legal Disclaimers, Confidentiality, And NonDisclosure

  • Termination And Intellectual Property

11. Communication And Collaboration

Establish the frequency, etiquette, and preferred methods of communication between the graphic design team and the client. Furthermore, elaborate on appropriate response times, updates, document sharing, and other collaboration tools and topics.

  • Communication Channels, Contact Information

  • Scheduled Meetings (Agendas, Objectives)

  • Client Input Incorporation

  • Feedback (Review Process, Incorporation Timeline)

  • Language And Tone

12. Terms And Conditions

Formally document the legal terms, conditions, operational requirements, and relationship between the graphic design agency and the client. In other words, every condition, term, and provision between the designer and the client should be in writing.

  • Intellectual Property Rights

  • Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure, Liability, And Indemnification

  • Dispute Resolution, Protocol, Cancellations, Additions

  • Governing Law

  • Amendments And Modifications

13. Approval Process

Define how the graphic design agency will gain approval and how the client may deliver such approval accordingly. Overall, ensure the approval process and its scheduling are well-explained to the client.

  • Design Concept Approval

  • Feedback (Consolidation, Incorporation Timeline)

  • Revision Rounds, Formalizing Changes, And Scope Change Approvals

  • Approval Of Final Design, Deadline, Confirmation

  • Client Sign-Off

14. References And Portfolios

Assure the client of the graphic designer’s expertise by listing references, testimonials, and online portfolio(s). Specifically, impress the client with a history of the achievements and recognition the graphic design artist or team has earned.

  • Project Example And Details

  • Case Studies, Before And After Comparisons

  • Industry Relevance

  • Client Diversity

  • Contact Information

15. Appendices

In essence, this proposal must be attractive, smooth, and convincing. Therefore, ensure a slick presentation by devoting a specific section to attach its oversized supplemental paperwork and images.

  • Work Samples, Additional Visuals, Technical Specifications

  • Research (Findings, Citations)

  • Draft Contracts, Agreements, Vendor Information, Legal Documents

  • Budget Breakdown Sheets, Proposed Timelines And Schedules

  • Client Surveys Or Questionaires