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Diversity Consulting Proposal Template

The diversity consulting proposal is sent to clients (i.e., a company or organization) with diversity, equity, and inclusion projects or goals. Diversity consultants use this document to attract clients by speaking about their diversity training or equity development skills while applying it to the client’s current challenges.

Types of Diversity Consulting Proposals (10)

  1. Cultural Competency and Sensitivity Training – This proposal appeals to clients seeking to reform their current diversity, equity, and inclusion status among their employees; thus, a diversity consultant will focus on delivering methods and training in this document.
  2. DEI Training and Workshop – This proposal is sent to clients seeking diversity, equity, and inclusion training sessions and workshops for their staff and will also include a diversity consultant’s ability to develop online programs such as webinars.
  3. Diversity Audit and Reporting – Clients who must engage in an audit of their diversity practices favor this proposal because it shows a diversity consultant’s data collection methods and analysis as well as firm strategies for improvement.
  4. Diversity and Inclusion Policy Development – Focuses on helping organizations create or revise DEI policies and guidelines. It outlines the consultant’s approach to policy development, including legal considerations and best practices.
  5. Diversity Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – This proposal focuses on establishing or maintaining a client’s key performance indicators and should contain an engaging section on frameworks for data collection, analysis, monitoring, and reporting.
  6. Employee Resource Group (ERG) Development – The proposal is for clients intent on promoting diversity within their organization and will display the diversity consultant’s leadership training skills, group-forming techniques, and ongoing support services.
  7. General Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Assessment – The proposal detailing a diversity consultant’s strategies to analyze and improve an organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and behavior.
  8. Leadership Development and Inclusive Leadership Training – Diversity consultants with extensive leadership and coaching skills will send this proposal to clients who must improve their management style.
  9. Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Diversity – A proposal focusing on human resource clients that must improve their recruitment practices and, therefore, require a diversity consultant to understand bias-free selection processes and candidate sourcing.
  10. Supplier Diversity Program – A proposal concentrating on a diversity consultant’s procurement and sourcing skills since the client must boost vendor diversity.

What Should Be Included (12 Items)

  1. Diversity Consultation Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction
  4. Proposed Scope Of Project
  5. DEI Consultation Project Timeline
  6. Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Consultant Team
  7. DEI Consultant Methodology
  8. Project Budget
  9. DEI Consultant References And History
  10. Terms And Conditions
  11. Conclusion
  12. Appendices

1. Diversity Consultation Cover Page

Use the cover page to approach the potential client with the diversity consulting firm’s legal name as well as its contact venues (i.e., phone number, email). Then, give the proposal a formal title and date.

  • Firm Name, Logo

  • Contact Information

  • Proposal Title, Date, Authors

  • Client Contact Information

  • Optional Graphics, Table Of Contents

2. Executive Summary

Summarize the sections in this proposal while discussing the client’s diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges. Also, give the client viable solutions to their challenges since this proposal must motivate them to sign up for the consultant service.

  • Introduction, Client’s Information

  • Primary Objectives

  • Proposed Approach, Scope of Services

  • Timeline, Budget, Pricing Structure

  • Team Experience

3. Introduction

Continue the proposal with a formal introduction to the diversity consulting firm and its team members. Briefly highlight the firm’s expertise and, more specifically, the team while summarizing the DEI objectives of the potential client.

  • Formal Greeting
  • Importance of Diversity and Inclusion

  • Client Needs
  • Expertise and Qualifications

  • Proposal Overview

4. Proposed Scope Of Project

Produce a detailed account of the consultancy’s diversity, equity, and inclusion solutions to the client’s challenges. Go into how these solutions shall develop as well as how they will be applied.

  • DEI Assessments, Audits

  • Policies, Strategies
  • Training/Workshops, Cultural Competency Training

  • Recruitment, Retention Plans

  • Bias Awareness, Mitigation training

5. DEI Consultation Project Timeline

Report the relevant dates of the DEI consultation project as well as its duration to the client. Also, solidify client meetings, feedback, and deliverables dates (i.e., training, educational pamphlets).

  • Project Dates, Duration, Contingency Plans
  • Milestones, Assumptions, Dependencies
  • Client Feedback Points, Delivery Dates
  • Completion Date, Payment Schedule
  • Collaboration, Meetings, Accessibility

6. Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Consultant Team

Name each person on the DEI consulting team assigned to the client’s project. In addition, identify the team’s credentials, experience, and past accomplishments.

  • Team Memeber Profiles

  • Contact Information, Photos

  • Expertise, Relevant Experience

  • Certificates, Awards, Recognition

  • Roles, Responsibilities, Scheuding

7. DEI Consultant Methodology

Continue the project discussion by explaining why the diversity consultant’s approach will benefit the client and how it was derived. For instance, explain the source of the data collected about the client, the organization’s challenges, and the team’s assessment strategy.

  • Methodology And Approach

  • Needs Assessment, Data Collection, Analysis

  • Customized Solutions, Training

  • Policy Development, Cultural Competency Building

  • Metrics and KPIs, Implementation Plan

8. Project Budget

Document the total price of the diversity consultation service together with an itemized list of all contributing project costs. Also, provide information regarding any additional or ongoing services combined with the attached payment terms.

  • Consulting Fees, Scope of Services, Subcontractor Costs

  • Payment Schedule, Additional Costs

  • Travel Expenses, Materials/Resources

  • Taxes, Total Project Cost

  • Terms and Conditions

9. DEI Consultant References And History

Display evidence that the consultant team’s credentials are well-earned by listing references as well as the testimonials of past clients. Also, provide clear examples of the results of the consulting firm’s successful efforts with previous projects.

  • Client References, Project Descriptions

  • Achievements, Testimonials

  • Metrics and Data, Client Diversity

  • Photos and Visuals, Case Studies

  • Client Permission, Contact Information

10. Terms And Conditions

Fully divulge all the operational terms since these provisions must be upheld by the client and the diversity consultation service. That is, attach or include all legal agreements that both parties must sign.

  • Scope of Work, Payment Terms, Invoicing

  • Taxes, Fees, Cancellation/Termination, Confidentiality

  • Non-Disclosure, Intellectual Property, Disputes

  • Indemnification, Client/Consultant Responsibilities

  • Contract Renewal, Governing Law, Signatures

11. Conclusion

Summarize the proposal’s main points, specifically focusing on the benefits the diversity consultant team can deliver. In fact, make a robust case to convince the potential client to pursue the next step with the firm.

  • Summary of Key Points

  • Encourage Questions, Contact, Action

  • Contact Information, Availability and Accessibility

  • Professional Closing, Signature Line

  • Enclosures/Attachments, Deadlines

12. Appendices

Expand on the previous sections by attaching all supplemental material, contracts, and charts to the final section accordingly. Generally, the previous sections can maintain a specific flow when this final area contains all the information they refer to (i.e., portfolio, timeline charts).

  • Client References, Case Studies, Legal Documents

  • Sample Reports, Deliverables, Team Member Resumes

  • Certifications, Sample Surveys, Client Testimonials

  • Educational Materials, Additional Research or Articles

  • Visuals and Infographics, Survey Results and Data