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Kitchen Remodel Proposal Template

The kitchen remodel proposal gathers a construction company or contractor’s skills with a specific project description in order to bid on a kitchen remodeling contract.  This document should be set up to promote the kitchen remodeling service offered by the professional or company and how they benefit the client as well as the project.

Different Types Of Kitchen Remodel Proposals (11)

  1. Budget-Friendly Remodeling – Used for remodeling jobs requiring cost-effective procedures, materials, and labor from the contractor or company.
  2. Comprehensive Kitchen Remodeling  – This proposal gives a significantly detailed overview of everything required in a kitchen remodeling project, from kitchen setup to waste disposal.
  3. Custom Design – Contractors and companies will use this proposal to attract clients who intend to personalize their kitchens with unique components or styles.
  4. Design-Build Kitchen Remodeling  – A proposal where the same company, business, or contractor will be handling both the design concepts of the remodeling job and the construction aspect of the project.
  5. Energy-Efficient Remodeling – A kitchen remodeling proposal featuring the contractor or company’s energy-efficient solutions, such as solar power, LED lighting, and insulation.
  6. High-End Luxury Remodeling  – This proposal is for high-end clients whose concerns will be high-quality materials, stylized aesthetics, and cutting-edge appliances used in their kitchen remodeling project.
  7. Itemized Proposal – A kitchen remodeling proposal that is entirely transparent about the prices of the project, including the remodeling business’s profit markup.
  8. Lighting and Electrical Proposal – Developed by kitchen remodeling professionals who seek projects requiring wiring, fixtures, power, and other electrical functions.
  9. Replacement Proposal – This paperwork is geared for projects where the kitchen design will not necessarily change, but one or more components (i.e., countertops, cabinets, appliances) must be replaced.
  10. Universal Design – A remodeling proposal showcasing user-friendly designs with especially environmentally friendly functionality.
  11. Upgrade Proposal – For clients who wish to improve their kitchen, which may or may not require a new design.


What Should Be Included (12 Items)

  1. Introduction
  2. Scope Of Remodeling Work
  3. Project Timeline
  4. Materials and Products
  5. Labor Cost Estimate
  6. Payment Schedule
  7. Terms and Conditions
  8. Project Team Communication
  9. Permits and Approvals
  10. Credentials
  11. Cancellation and Termination
  12. Signatures

1.  Introduction

Give a brief description of the remodeling project and put together a presentation of the kitchen remodeling contractor or company’s work quality.  Show the kitchen remodeling business’s dedication, past successes, and expertise while inviting them read to further.
  • Kitchen Remodeling Project Summary
  • Remodeling Company Qualifications
  • Enthusiasm, Document Purpose, Call To Action
  • Company Expertise, Industry Reputation

2.  Scope Of Remodeling Work

Specifically, list the construction tasks needed for the kitchen renovation or remodeling project.  Describe the remodeling project requirements that will be satisfied by the professional contractor or company by defining the planned labor tasks (for example, plumbing or electrical work and countertop replacement).
  • Project Requirements, Custom Cabinetry, Plumbing Fixture
  • Site Preparation, Flooring Material, Technological Upgrades
  • Remodeling Work Tasks, Wiring, Painting, Finishing
  • Timeline, Costs, Labor, Accessibility, Requirements, Insurance

3.  Project Timeline

Solidify the project start date and deadline on paper accordingly.  Call out milestone dates for the remodeling project, such as when special materials are received or when a demanding job is complete.
  • Start Date, Installation Schedule, Remodeling Timeline
  • Relevant Dates, Deliverables, Milestones
  • Upgrade Schedules, Change Orders
  • Finish Date, Post Project Timeline

4.  Materials And Products

Make an inventory of all the materials, supplies, and products that must be used or installed for the kitchen remodeling project.  Identify each item (i.e., nails, sinks, etc.) by product name, type, unit cost, and quantity.
  • Supplies, Products, Appliances, Flooring
  • Estimated Quantity, Price Per Unit
  • Countertop, Sustainble Design Materials
  • Ventilation Products, Paint, Fixtures, Cabinets
  • High-End Kitchen Renovation Supplies

5. Labor Cost Estimate

Organize and present the costs for the kitchen remodeling products, labor or services, and relevant administrative requirements (i.e., construction permit).  For example, document all labor costs by detailing the number of hours and hourly rate of the kitchen remodeling team working on the project.
  • Services, Billable Time
  • Estimated Labor Costs
  • Labor Schedule, Pay Rate
  • Installation, Repair, Remodeling
  • Certified Labor Costs (Plumber, Electrician)

6.  Payment Schedule

Document the required total estimate for this project, any deposit required, and a specifically defined payment schedule the client must uphold.  Inform the client of every condition that must be met when submitting payments.
  • Payment Summary
  • Deposit And Payment Options
  • Scheduled Dates Of Payment

7.  Terms And Conditions

Establish all the legal obligations of both the client and the kitchen remodeling business, including insurance coverage, contingency plans, delays, and change orders.  Also, dispense all the warranty information that should be delivered to the client.
  • Terms And Conditions
  • Additional Considerations
  • Warranty And Maintenance Plans

8.  Project Team Communication

It is important to set up a clear line of communication between the kitchen remodeling business behind this proposal and the client.  Therefore, divulge the contact information for the remodeling team and professionals responsible for managing the project for the client’s benefit.
  • Team Member Identities, Contact Information
  • Roles, Responsibilities
  • Availability, Preferred Methods,
  • Meeting Schedule
  • Accessibilty Options

9.  Permits And Approvals

Dispense the legal process the kitchen remodeling business must complete in order to obtain the permits needed for this project from the governing authority.  List any applicable fees.
  • Permits Needed, Building Permits
  • Permit Requirements, Local Zoning Requirements
  • Permit Fees, Regulatory Approvals
  • Permit Application Process, Oversight
  • Regulatory Compliance

10.  Credentials

Demonstrate the kitchen remodeling team’s capabilities by including its licenses, insurance, as well as their positive reviews, or references. For instance, present any awards the kitchen remodeling team or team members have received in this industry.
  • License, Insurance Information, Experience
  • Reviews, Testimonials, Positive Client Feedback
  • Client References, Portfolio, Endorsements
  • Professional Standing, Partnerships
  • Public Mentions, Social Media Reviews

11.  Cancellation And Termination

Include a section handling the topic of project termination as well as any partial or total cancellation of services.  Explicitly state the kitchen remodeling business’s policy when the client or the company must cancel this project.
  • Policy If Client Terminates
  • Policy If Company Terminates
  • Early Termination Conditions
  • Cancellation Costs, Termination Fees
  • Reimbursements, Penalties

12.  Signature Confirmation

The kitchen remodeling business and client must commit to this proposal by signature accordingly. This will show that both acknowledge its content and intend to abide by its criteria.
  • Kitchen Remodeling Business’s Signature
  • Client’s Signature