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Outsourced Accounting Proposal Template

The outsourced accounting proposal formally offers an accounting firm’s services in order to replace one or more client processes or even entire departments. Accounting firms assume such functions so clients may devote fewer resources to staff or equipment (often a cost-saving incentive).

Types Of Outsourced Accounting Proposals (7)

  1. Outsourced Audit and Assurance – Accounting firms target clients seeking audit preparation strategies (i.e., regulatory compliance) and actions handled exclusively off-site.
  2. Customized Outsourced Accounting – This document targets one client’s unique off-site accounting needs so the firm can secure a service-level agreement.
  3. Industry-Specific Outsourced Accounting – An accounting firm’s pitch to handle the client needs from bookkeeping to unique industry functions (i.e., compliance),
  4. International Outsourced Accounting – Proposals convincing clients that the proposer should remotely take over international accounting needs (such as transfer pricing analysis).
  5. Startup Outsourced – A proposal developed by accounting firms to offer full bookkeeping and accounting services to new small businesses.
  6. Tax-focused Outsourced – Proposals concentrating on clients who wish tax functions handled by a firm that is proficient in tax regulations.
  7. Virtual CFO – This proposal shows the benefits clients especially enjoy from using an accounting firm to handle their books remotely.

What Should Be Included (14 Items)

  1. Proposal Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction To Outsourced Accounting Proposal
  4. Scope Of Accounting Work
  5. Accounting Objectives
  6. Accounting Methodology
  7. Accounting Team Credentials
  8. Outsourced Accounting Timeline
  9. Cost And Pricing
  10. Benefits Of Outsourcing Accounting
  11. Risk Management
  12. Client References
  13. Conclusion
  14. Appendices


1. Proposal Cover Page

Put together a document cover that is easy to read and smart-looking. To clarify, coordinate informative and graphic elements into an impressive first impression.

  • Outsourced Accounting Proposal Title/ID Number
  • Date, Accounting Firm Information (Sender)
  • Outsourcing Accounting Client Name
  • Collaborations, Partnerships, Professional Theme
  • Entity Logos, Visual Elements, Executive Summary

2. Executive Summary

Give the recipient an overall preview of this paperwork’s goals and winning features in a summary. However, consider it essential that this area is brief.

  • Financial Management Outsourcing, Payroll Outsourcing
  • Bookkeeping, Cost-Effective Accounting Outsourcing
  • Virtual Accounting Services, Tax Compliance
  • Remote Accounting Solutions, Process Optimizations
  • Small Business Accounting, Strategic Solutions

3. Introduction To Outsourced Accounting Proposal

Name the outsourced accounting firm while delivering a friendly but professional greeting. Remember to use the client’s full name whenever greeting a potential customer.

  • Outsourced Accounting Services, Financial Management
  • Reliability, Payroll Outsource Solutions, Bookkeeping
  • Strategic Accounting Support, Regulatory Expertise
  • Tax Compliance, Customized Accounting Solutions
  • Cost-Effective Outsourcing, Business Financial Analysis

4. Scope Of Accounting Work

Describe the accounting services, as well as any accounting product the outsourced accounting firm propises with the cost. Also, dispense any cost-saving incentives, packages, or relevant additional services.

  • Accounting Services, Bookkeeping Services, Software Integration
  • Payroll Processing, Financial Reporting, Financial Analysis
  • Expense Management, Tax Preparation, Audit Support
  • Accounts Payable Management, Compliance Monitoring
  • Virtual CFO Services, Inventory Management

5. Accounting Objectives

Discuss the goals and, especially, the benefits of outsourcing the accounting functions to the firm. Show the client that their goals are mirrored in this proposal in order to interest them further.

  • Financial Efficiency, Streamline Financial Process
  •  Cost-effective Accounting Solutions, Business Growth
  • Reduce Accounting Overhead, Increased Productivity
  • Tax Liability Minimization, Optimized Financial Reporting
  • Financial Controls, Financial Security, Cash Flow Management

6. Accounting Methodology

Explain the outsourced accounting firm’s approach to completing the outsourced functions, such as data-driven decision-making. Assure the outsourcing client of the soundness of these strategies accordingly.

  • Financial Analysis, Advanced Accounting Technology
  • Streamlined Financial Processes, Reporting Systems
  • Industy-Leading Accounting Software, Compliance-Focused Practices
  • Qualtity Assurance Protocol, Financial Management
  • Continuous Process Improvement, Data-Driven Decision Making

7. Accounting Team Credentials

Introduce and promote the outsourced team so the client becomes familiar with their reputation and credentials. Also, narrate past successes that showcase their field proficiency.

  • Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), Payroll Specialists
  • Tax Experts, Audit Professionals, Compliance Specialists
  • Professional Development, Payroll Specialists
  • Expert Bookkeepers, Regulatory Compliance Specialists
  • Skilled Financial Analysts, Advanced Accounting Degree

8. Outsourced Accounting Timeline

Inform the outsourcing client of the proposed activities schedule as well as the team’s accessibility. Additionally, discuss the flexibility the firm will afford for changes with the requirements for each type.

  • Project Schedule, Milestones, Deliverables Schedule
  • Implementation Timeline, Accounting Transition Plan
  • Timely Reporting, Quick Turnaround
  • Phased Approach, Flexible Scheduling
  • Accelerated Onboarding, Expedited Setup

9. Cost And Pricing

Show the total for the outsourced work while deliberately explaining each line item. Submit a transparent and definitive cost analysis for the client, but include any options that interest them.

  • Competitive Pricing, Cost-Effective Solutions
  • Transparent Pricing Structure, Flexible Pricing
  • Budget-Friendly Accounting, Value-Based Pricing
  • No Hidden Fees, Competitive Rates, Affordable Rates
  • Economical Outsourcing Services, ROI-Driven Pricing

10. Benefits Of Outsourcing Accounting

Describe the benefits of outsourcing the accounting work to the firm, such as the financial advantages of a smaller staff. Also, point out the increased efficiency and customized solutions the firm enables.

  • Cost Savings, Increased Efficiency, Competitive Advantage
  • Scalability, Improved Compliance, Enhanced Accuracy
  • Core Business Focus, Time Savings, Reduced Overhead
  • Strategic Insights, Risk Mitigation, Flexibility
  • Improved Cash Flow, Competitive Advantage

11. Risk Management

Detail the outsourced accounting firm’s strategies in identifying and monitoring vulnerabilities as well as minimizing risk impacts. For example, describe the data security measures and disaster recovery protocols in place.

  • Risk Assessment, Risk Mitigation Strategies
  • Regulatory Compliance, Compliance Management
  • Data Security, Internal Controls, Risk Analysis
  • Fraud Prevention, Disaster Recovery, Internal Audit
  • Business Continuity Planning, Control Environment

12. Client References

Establish the outsourced firm’s proven capabilities with significantly notable testimonials from past satisfied clients. Produce the contact information for clients who have agreed to deliver positive references for the outsourced accounting firm whenever possible.

  • Testimonials, Case Studies, Recommendations
  • Client Endorsements, Satisfied Customers, Feedback
  • Praise, Client Experiences, Success Stories
  • Client Satisfaction, Recommendations, Client Referrals
  • Trustworthy Partnerships, Client Satisfaction

13. Conclusion

Develop a closing for this proposal that is both engaging and inviting. Recap the benefits of outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping functions while welcoming further discussion.

  • Decision-Making, Efficiency, Value-Added Services
  • Partnership, Tailored Solutions, Reliable Support
  • Growth Opportunities, Strategic Advantage
  • Proven Expertise, Reliable Support, Ongoing Support
  • Results-Driven Recap, Financial Stability

14. Appendices

Produce the documents referred to during the outsourcing pitch above to a single area. In addition to budget sheets and package details, include supplementary material such as a glossary of terms and FAQs.

  • Detailed Analysis, Additional Resources
  • Case Studies, Relevant Certifications
  • Financial Reports, Whitepapers, Infographics
  • FAQ’s, Glosary Of Terms, Service Agreements
  • Pricing Breakdown, Team Bios, Technology Stack