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Private Equity Investment Proposal

Private equity investment proposals are generated whenever an investment opportunity in a private company presents itself. These proposals must be well-researched to attract attention, especially since they often approach investors for significant capital.

Types Of Private Equity Investment Proposals (13)

  1. Buyout – Proposals seeking full ownership or, at least, a significant stake in a business while presenting operational improvements.
  2. Distressed Investing – A proposal discussing turnaround or restructuring strategies for a damaged business (i.e., bankruptcy) to gain investors.
  3. Early-Stage Venture Capital – Proposals businesses issue as they start using incentives such as high growth and scalability.
  4. Expansion Capital – Proposals sent whenever an existing business seeks investors to increase activities (i.e., a new location).
  5. Fund-of-Funds – A proposal to invest in two or more underlying private equity funds while incentivizing investors with diversification benefits.
  6. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) – Proposals discussing corporate social responsibility in order to stimulate public impact project investments.
  7. Infrastructure Investment – This proposal promotes investor support in projects (i.e., utilities) with long-term impact discussions.
  8. Joint Venture  – A synergy-centered proposal that is written to attract multiple entities to invest as a partnership.
  9. Mezzanine Financing – Proposals combining debt and equity financing so that an acquisition, fund expansion, or buyout occurs.
  10. Real Estate Investment – A proposal presenting property valuation and potential for appreciation to attract investors in real property projects.
  11. Secondary Market Investment – A proposal to purchase existing shares from private equity while promoting exit strategy enhancements.
  12. Sector-Specific – Proposals written to attract investor interest in a specific industry (i.e., healthcare), thus highlighting industry-specific metrics.
  13. Technology and Innovation – Proposals using intellectual property and scalability to prompt investors in technology companies (i.e., SaaS).

What Should Be Included (17 Items)

  1. Private Equity Investment Proposal Cover Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Introduction To Private Equity Investment
  4. Investment Thesis
  5. Market Analysis
  6. Private Equity Investment Firm Structure
  7. Private Equity Investment Team Management
  8. Firm Track Record
  9. Investment Risk Assessment
  10. Financial Projections
  11. Exit Strategy
  12. Legal And Regulatory Compliance
  13. Due Diligence Information
  14. Use Of Funds
  15. Investment Terms
  16. Appendices
  17. Contact Information


1. Private Equity Investment Proposal Cover Page

Develop a cover for this document that conveys the proposal title and date as well as the private equity firm or company’s information. Additionally, implement a design that is coherent with the remainder of the proposal and memorable.

  • Company Name, Logo, Visual Promotions
  • Date, Contact Information, Promotional Taglines
  • Primary Contact Person Name, Role
  • Investor Information, Executive Summary
  • Graphic Design, Confidentiality Statement

2. Executive Summary

Gather the proposal’s main points in order to give the reader an engaging preview. This is an opportunity to show the reader the opportunity this proposal represents, such as the return on investment attached to it.

  • Business Description, Investment Amount
  • Market Opportunity, Competitive Advantage
  • Financial Highlights, Management Team
  • Exit Strategy, Investment Terms, Use Of Funds
  • Contact Information, Call to Action

3. Introduction To Private Equity Investment

Introduce the private equity firm sending this proposal, as well as presenting its history and mission. Once its investment thesis has been divulged, explain how the equity firm’s goals align with the potential investor’s objectives.

  • Executive Summary, Context, Background
  • Company Track Record, Expertise, Purpose
  • High-Level Investment Opportunity, Scope
  • Investor Benefits, Capital Appreciation
  • Return On Investment (ROI), Call To Action (CTA)

4. Investment Thesis

Justify this proposal’s purpose by describing how the equity firm’s investment strategies create opportunities with its target industries. Also, discuss relevant supporting topics such as demographics and geographies.

  • Investment Opportunity, Market Opportunity
  • Value Proposition, Capital Allocation, Synergies
  • Financial Performance, Portfolio Diversification
  • Risk Assessment, Exit Strategy, Investment Criteria
  • Competitive Advantage, Investor Benefits, Aligment

5. Market Analysis

Show the equity firm’s analysis of the market industry(ies) in which it operates, explicitly defining the investment’s market projections and growth potential. Support this information with as much information as possible, and cite any data attachments in the appendices accordingly.

  • Growth Projections, Market Overview, Market Trends
  • Segmentation, Demographics, Customer Analysis
  • Competitive Landscape, Regulations, Vendor Analysis
  • Market Dynamics, Barriers To Entry, Market Insights
  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

6. Private Equity Investment Firm Structure

Explicitly spell out the investment’s terms, conditions, requirements, and timeline. Also, dissect the firm’s financial structure as well as the amounts requested and involved.

  • Investment Vehicle, Ownership Distribution
  • Capital Allocation, Investor Corntirbutions
  • Proceeds, Exit Provisions, Management, Governance
  • Profit Distritbution, Transparency, Reporting, Taxes
  • Legal Compliance Requirements, Risk Mitigation

7. Private Equity Investment Team Management

Deliver the equity firm’s management team, especially the key figures in the investment project. In addition to releasing their identities and qualifications, discuss their credentials, reputation, and past successes.

  • Key Team Members, Professional Backgrounds
  • Roles, Relevant Experience, Responsibilities
  • Track Record, Collaboration, Teamwork, Experience
  • Advisory Boards, Consultants, Risk Management
  • Commitment, Interest Alignment, Success Stories

8. Firm Track Record

Consider it crucial to build the potential investor’s confidence so present a compelling history of the equity firm’s success stories. In addition to profitable exits, explain the risks and lessons learned to show the firm’s growth.

  • Historical Investments, Investment Performance
  • Investment Timeline, Exit Strategy
  • Investment Structure, Challenges, Risks, Solutions
  • Industry Focus, Team’s Role, Returns To Investors
  • Graphical Representation, Success Stories

9. Investment Risk Assessment

Go into detail on the risks of the current project since this will also be key in building investor confidence. That is, show the equity firm’s awareness of the current investment risks and the mitigation strategy developed for each.

  • Risk Assessment, Investment Risks, Risk Management
  • Market Risks, Industry Risks, Company-Specific Risks
  • Operational Risks, Financial Risks, Regulatory Risks
  • Risk Identification, Risk Mitigation, Risk Ranking
  • Equity, Risk Evaluation, Risk Exposure

10. Financial Projections

Detail the analytic forecasts for the investment in order to show a realistic timeline, potential opportunities, and possible risks. In addition to projected expenses and market projections, detail the return on investment (ROI).

  • Historical Financial Records,  Assumptions
  • Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT), Net Profit
  • Financial Viability, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Investment Financing Projections, Investment Capital
  • Pro Forma Financials, Financial Modeling

11. Exit Strategy

Explain the exit strategy timeline, options (i.e., acquisition, public offering), and terms to the potential investor. Additionally, present any attractive flexibility options that may be available.

  • Exit Opportunities, Exit Timing Strategies, Exit Transaction
  • Exit Valuation, Liquidity Event, Exit Scenarios
  • Exit Success, Investment Sale, Merger and Acquisition
  • Exit Process, Exit Considerations, Exit Framework
  • Exit Timing, Investor Exit, Exit Pathways

12. Legal And Regulatory Compliance

Show the equity firm’s history of operating legally as well as proof of compliance for the current investment. Additionally, show evidence for relevant projects and investments, especially those with future opportunities.

  • Legal Due Diligence, Regulatory Analysis
  • Compliance Solutions, Regulatory Oversight
  • Legal Documentation, Regulatory Reporting
  • Regulatory Guidelines, Compliance Assessment
  • Compliance Issues, Regulatory Framework

13. Due Diligence Information

Produce documentation demonstrating that the equity firm follows up on its paperwork, especially its legal and regulatory obligations. Also, introduce the equity firm’s oversight committee and other relevant bodies.

  • Due Diligence Team, Due Diligence Strategy
  • Operational Due Diligence, Vendor Due Diligence
  • Investment Due Diligence, Due Diligence Process,
  • Due Diligence Checklist, Due Diligence Review
  • Due Diligence Audits, Due Diligence Standards

14. Use Of Funds

Dispense the budget sheets explaining the allocation of the investment funds since this transparency is considered valuable. At the same time, deliver the budget milestones depending upon the investment funds.

  • Investment Capital Utilization, Expense Allocation
  • Investment Allocation Breakdown, Capital Deployment
  • Capital Expense Allocation, Allocation Guidelines
  • Investment Use Case, Investment Capital Management
  • Utilization, Allocation Strategy, Spending Plan

15. Investment Terms

Develop a summary of the exact conditions for investment (i.e., carried interest, management fees) and its required period(s) or term(s). Additionally, accompany this information with the paperwork needed to proceed or samples of such documents and contracts.

  • Investment Terms, Investment Amount, Equity Ownership
  • Contingency Plans, Security Protocol, Emergency Response
  • Management Fee, Carried Interest, Exit Strategy Terms
  • Dividend Policy, Investor Commitment, Exit Obligations
  • Investment Structure, Capital Allocation, Investor Rights

16. Appendices

Quite a bit of information will be submitted during this proposal. Thus, supporting media and documentation should be condensed to the appendices, especially unmanageable paperwork.

  • Financial Statements, Pro Forma Statements
  • Valuation Analysis, Deal Structure, Contract
  • Regulations, Compliance Information, Charts
  • Industry Reports, Management Team Bios
  • Exit Strategy Documents, Media, Visuals

17. Contact Information

Devote a section specifically to detail the contact information of the people the potential investor should contact regarding this proposal. Provide each one’s role as well as their availability.

  • Key Contact Person, Secondary Contacts, Titles
  • Phone Numbers, Fax Number, Email Address
  • Office Address, Hours, Availability
  • Social Media, Call To Action
  • Website, Partnership Sites