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Web/App Design Proposal Template

The web/app design proposal is written by designers who seek projects involving websites, applications, or both. This proposal must discuss the specifics of a project while applying a web/app designer’s expertise to its successful completion.

Types Of Web/App Design Proposals (15)

  1. Content Management System (CMS) Implementation – A proposal geared for projects requiring CMS skills (such as WordPress) for clients specifically requiring website CMS site management and updates.
  2. Custom Web Application – A proposal sent by designers with robust workflow, customization, user roles, and integration skills since it will seek clients who wish a unique web application to be developed.
  3. Digital Marketing – A proposal that contains an impressive section on social media campaigns, analytics tracking, and email marketing for projects requiring a more robust presence and recognition to be developed for the client online.
  4. E-commerce Website – A web/app proposal answering projects to create or upgrade an online store and other commerce sites, thus featuring the designer’s ability to develop functions such as order processing and shopping carts.
  5. Mobile App Design and Development – A proposal for mobile application projects focusing on the designer’s proficiency platforms such as iOS and Android.
  6. Progressive Web App (PWA) – A proposal where the designer’s adaptability and integration expertise are featured to attract projects meant to enhance the user experience across the web and a mobile app.
  7. Redesign Proposal – This type of proposal demonstrates a designer’s ability to analyze and solve pain points, adapt improvements, as well as have excellent migration strategies since the client seeks to redesign a web application or site.
  8. Responsive Design – A proposal focusing on the designer’s expertise in optimizing an app across different devices and platforms.
  9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Proposals featuring a project’s call to improve website visibility, particularly with search engines, thus requiring the designer to display powerful content strategy skills.
  10. UI/UX Design – This type of proposal has a substantial section on user flow and design principles as well as wireframes and mockups since it concentrates on projects involving high-quality user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).
  11. Web Accessibility – This type of proposal demonstrates the designer’s knowledge of the current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) because it must appeal to clients who wish to improve the accessibility of a site or app for those with disabilities.
  12. Web Design – A proposal that concentrates on the imagery, typography, and user interface experience skills the designer possesses because the client project calls for a website.
  13. Web Development – This proposal highlights the programming languages and frameworks under a designer’s belt to attract web development projects.
  14. Web Hosting and Domain Setup – Proposals to answer projects calling for a designer to be proficient with website hosting environments, SSL certificates, and email configurations.
  15. Website Maintenance and Support – This proposal will highlight the designer’s support services and ongoing maintenance for projects involving long-term care or updates to a website.

What Should Be Included (20 Items)

  1. Cover Letter
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Client Overview
  4. Project Summary
  5. Scope Of Work
  6. User Experience (UX) Design
  7. Technology Stack
  8. Developmental Methodology
  9. Timeline
  10. Budget And Cost
  11. Risk And Mitigation
  12. Project Scope Assumptions
  13. References
  14. Client Responsibilities
  15. Intellectual Property And Rights
  16. Communication And Collaboration
  17. Approval Process
  18. Portfolio
  19. Terms And Conditions
  20. Appendices


1. Cover Letter

Write a cover letter to the prospective web/app client; keep in mind this is the first impression the client will have of the web/app designer or agency. It is essential to give the client a good idea of the web/app design team, agency or business history, and experience in relation to the client and the project.

  • Contact Information

  • Project Title, Number

  • Proposal Date

  • Budget Estimate

  • Benefits

2. Executive Summary

Deliver a preview of this proposal for the client while discussing the project goals. In addition, feature the benefits of working with the web/app designer or team on the project.

  • Proposal Summary

  • Client Needs/Goals

  • Selling Points

  • Team Approach

  • Timeline And Deliverables

3. Client Overview

Summarize the client’s background in general. Also, discuss the project goals and their positive impacts on the client when it is complete.

  • Client Background

  • Online Presence

  • Client Objectives

  • Target Audience

  • Challenges And Solutions

4. Project Summary

Compose an overview of the web/app design project with attention to its objectives and beneficial points. In the case where there are any challenges to the project, offer workable solutions that the web/app design team can employ.

  • Project Description, Overview, Objectives

  • Market Context, User Base

  • Design Method, Technology, Tools

  • Calendar And Budget

  • Call To Action, Selling Points

5. Scope Of Work

Discuss, in detail, the steps and procedures the web/app designer or team must take to finish the project. Be specific when reporting on components developed or implemented by the web/app team.

  • Project Objectives, Current Status, Challenges

  • Task List (Design), Functionality, Content Creation

  • Timeline, Integration, Responsive Design, Revisions

  • Exclusions, Deliverables, Change Requests

  • User Acceptance Testing, Training, Client Collaboration

6. User Experience (UX) Design

Outline the web/app designer or team’s plan for a positive user experience. For example, detail the visual design elements, the information architecture, and other elements integral to the user experience that the team will handle.

  • User-Centered Design Approach, User Personas

  • Information Architecture, Visual Design Elements

  • Wireframes, Prototyping, Responsive Design, Testing

  • User Journey Mapping, Navigation Patterns

  • Feedback Mechanisms, Design Guidelines, Client Input

7. Technology Stack

Inform the web/app design client of the programming languages and tools the designer or team will use to achieve the project goals. For instance, cover topics ranging from cloud services to continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).

  • Programming Languages, Framework, Data Management

  • Frontend/Backend Technologies, Server Configuration

  • Version Control, APIs and Integrations, Security Measures

  • Performance Optimization, Testing and QA Tools

  • Development Environment, Mobile App Development

8. Development Methodology

Give the client a good idea of how the web/app design project will be broken down into smaller goals and then completed. Also, discuss the testing procedures that will be used to assure quality and stability.

  • Methodology, Project Phases, Sprints or Iterations

  • Roles, Communication Plan, Client Feedback

  • Task Tracking and Management, Risk Management

  • Project Timeline, Milestone Definition

  • Quality Assurance and Testing, Launch

9. Timeline

Detail the project’s timeline for the web/app client’s benefit. Spell out the duration and dates of each phase, as well as feedback periods and deliverables.

  • Project Phases, Start/End Date, Milestones

  • Sprint or Iteration Cycles, Deliverable Deadlines

  • Client Responsibilities, Terms And Conditions

  • Dependency Considerations

  • Communication, Revisions and Adjustments

10. Budget And Cost

Document every project cost to the web/app design client by basically itemizing every service and product cost and then totaling them. For example, report third-party costs, contingency funds, discounts, and the project’s total estimated cost.

  • Cost Breakdown And Total Project Cost

  • Project Management, Contingency Fund

  • Payment (Schedule, Methods)

  • Client Responsibilities, Terms and Conditions

  • Discounts or Special Offers, Additional Service Offers

11. Risk And Mitigation

Show the client the web/app designer or team’s analysis, particularly solutions for challenges and possible hazards to project completion. Identify as many risk factors as possible while dispensing information, such as the team’s risk monitoring and mitigation strategies.

  • Risk (Identification, Impact Assessment, Probability)

  • Mitigation, Monitoring, Communication, Contingency

  • Change Management, Resource Allocation

  • Client’s Role, Collaboration, Coordination

  • Ownership, Review, Reporting, External Factors

12. Project Scope Assumptions

Detail all factors that the web/app designer or team may automatically hold as accurate regarding the project, in detail. For instance, it is automatically assumed that the designer or team will have access to the systems, servers, and third-party services necessary to work on and complete the project.

  • Client Responsibilities, Resource Availability

  • Access/Permissions, Timelines, Communication

  • Technical Infrastructure, Third-Party Integrations

  • Change Management, Dependencies, Compliance

  • Training, Documentation, Payment

13. References

Generally, the client needs to see that the web/app design team can handle the project in an exemplary fashion. Therefore, go through the guidelines, market research, and a host of relevant topics for the client’s proposal review.

  • Research Sources, Design Inspiration, Market Research

  • Accessibility and Compliance Guidelines

  • Coding Resources, Usability Studies

  • Technical Documentation, Client’s Brand Guidelines

  • Legal/Ethical Considerations

14. Client Responsibilities

Spell out all the obligations that fall under the client’s responsibility since this promotes a clearer understanding of the client’s role. Thus, mention the importance of design input, prompt feedback, and other project expectations.

  • Feedback, Approvals, Design Input, Testing

  • Domain/Hosting Setup, Third-Party Integration

  • Project Schedule Adherence, Bug Reporting

  • Training, Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  • Communication Promptness, Change Management

15. Intellectual Property And Rights

Explain the ownership and the usage of the project for the web app in detail. Also, address third-party components.

  • Ownership (Design Concepts, Source Code, Content)

  • Licensed Materials, Client Brand Assets, Third Party

  • Portfolio Usage Rights, Transfer of Rights, Copyrights

  • Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure, Exclusivity, Limitations

  • Transferring of Rights Upon Payment, Dispute Resolution

16. Communication And Collaboration

Establish the communication protocols between the client and the designer (or design team) while setting up how meetings will be conducted. In other words, inform the client how and when status reports, change requests, and meetings are arranged.

  • Communication Channels, Frequency, Responsiveness

  • Status Reports, Change Requests

  • Feedback and Approval Process, Meetings

  • Availability, Design Iterations, Revisions

  • Conflict Resolution, Client Review Periods

17. Approval Process

Explicitly set up the design review, feedback, and approval process rules. Specifically, go into every facet of how the web/app designer presents deliverables and how the client can call for revisions or give approval.

  • Design Review, Feedback (Incorporation, Submission)

  • Deadlines, Revision Cycles

  • Communication, Escalation Path

  • Testing, QA, Documentation, Change Requests

  • Post-Launch Approvals, Sign Offs

18. Portfolio And References

Compose an attractive presentation of the web/app designer’s past projects because this proposal must ensure the client is confident in the designer. Furthermore, display testimonials, case studies, and positive references to assure the client of the web/app designer or team’s qualifications.

  • References, Case Studies, Project Samples/Descriptions

  • Awards and Recognition, Client Testimonials, Samples

  • Before/After Comparisons, Interactive Demos

  • Website or Online Portfolio

  • Achievements, Special Mentions, Current Affiliations

19. Terms And Conditions

Record every legal obligation placed on the web/app design client while doing the same for the designer. In fact, all legal requirements either party must fulfill should be set in writing.

  • Scope of Work, Deliverables, Timeline, Payment Terms

  • Cancellation, Termination, Intellectual Property

  • Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure, Client Responsibilities

  • Quality Assurance, Warranty, Liability, Limitations

  • Dispute Resolution, Governing Law, Entire Agreement

20. Appendices

Ensure that all the contracts, media, and files mentioned in this proposal are attached, especially if needed for the next step. If this has not been addressed in the appropriate section, include them here.

  • References, Samples, Project Descriptions

  • Agreements, Spreadsheets, Flowcharts, Content Plans

  • Contracts, Agreements, User Persona Profiles

  • Interactive Prototypes, Wireframes, Mockups

  • Calendars, Contact Information